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RE: Knitting with Candy Floss

in NeedleWorkMonday8 months ago

I love that colour of wool, multicoloured, I've knitted before, I love it!

The leftover wool I don't throw away, I can mix it with other wool or I can make other crafts. Here the truth is a different climate from Argentina ... I don't wear woollen clothes anymore but I used to wear a lot of them.

Beautiful @emma-h2 ❤️


Thanks @avdesing I like your style of mixing and matching, that's a good idea. Why did you stop wearing wool? Does it irritate your skin?

No, it's just that it's not cold here even in winter, I suffer more from the heat than from the cold. I have a lot of nice woollen clothes but I don't wear them because I'm warm.

I brought them from Argentina thinking that I would use them .... and I didn't.