Knitting with Candy Floss

in NeedleWorkMonday8 months ago


Even though the weather is turning and the temperatures are rising, I pulled out my knitting a while ago just to keep my hands busy while my mind was going a million miles an hour. I think it's therapeutic in a way, but also is productive - then I realised that I have an even older project sitting in my knitting box that I left there well over a year ago and hadn't touched. Oops. Oh well, these projects are now being run in parallel because I plan on finishing them both. The other one is a knitted handbag knitted out of a very course wool using small needles so it knits up very stiff. I had no idea what to make out of it originally and

This one is a jumper and knits up really fast, I've already finished the back, front and I've started on the sleeves. It's a simple knit using mistaken rib.


Mistaken rib is created by knitting with an odd number of stitches instead of an even number. The odd number then creates a moved stitch when you knit up the rows. While you can't really see it unless the work is stretched out, it creates an almost wave like pattern in the purl stitches.

My knitting seems to be getting rather bad tension wise. I'm not sure why, perhaps it's just that I'm getting old, maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I don't really like knitting with such big needles, so maybe it's got to do with that. Either way, it still looks ok in the grander scheme of things, so I'm not going to pull it all out and start again. I know some of you probably would, but I just don't have the guts.


I bought this wool ages ago, 300grams of it but there seems to be way too much wool in there for just 300grams. The pattern called for 250grams so it will definitely cover that, but it looks to me like I'll have a hell of a lot left over, suppose time will tell. I might need to find wool to compliment this and then use that and whatever is left for something else.


The last wool that I couldn't use I donated to a friend of mine who makes children's toys and anything she can't use she said she'd donate to a charity that teaches knitting classes close to where she lives. I somehow feel better about doing that than wasting.

I can't stand the idea of throwing good wool away. What do you use your left over wool for? Do you hoard it, donate it or throw it away?

𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑨𝑰 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆. 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒘𝒏.


I didn't know you knit, Em 😻 I like knowing that. The colors of your yarn are beautiful! I would definitely wear that jumper 😄 I'd love to see it when you finish it. Have you thought about adopting a new Chorizo and knitting him a scarf? 🤭 Just kidding, I'm just remembering Chorizo 💟

Hi Purple 😁 yes, I do sometimes. It keeps me occupied while watching TV (when I watch TV which is rare these days). I'm so happy you like the colours, they are pretty.

There are already 3 kitties here so I adopting another Chorizo is not on the cards anytime soon, but I sometimes wonder if he found his family. He was a naughty cat but I liked him. Now with spring time and summer in full swing, there are bound to be loads of little kittens up for adoption, I have to avert my eyes or I fall in love 😍

Those colors are WAY cute together! It's nice to have an activity to ground us when our minds are turbulent... I hope whatever's making your thoughts race is resolved soon for you. I find it so overwhelming when my brain pulls that on me 😤

I think your stitches look perfect- although admittedly I know nothing about this kind of stuff... I just know I'd have a lot of practice to get them even half that neat 😂!

A big hug your way Emma 🤗💚

Hey @grindan thanks for the comment and popping in. So true, I think we all get overwhelmed at times.

Lol, thank you for the kind words, I'll gladly accept them and the hug. Sending you one in return as well 🤗 Have a splendid weekend!

What do I do with mine left overs from crocheting? It depends. I make more small projects, like booties for babies or small teddy bears, so I typically can use it for the next project. If there's not enough for that, but enough to do something with it (like sewing in eyes, mouth, nose, etc. on something) I'll save it in a bag for later. Any real scraps are thrown away.

That's a fantastic way of using the offcuts. I have collected them in the past but ended up never using them, they went into the donation box, but knitting baby booties is a cute idea, I think with pretty wool, that's the perfect use for it. Thanks for the idea 🙂

I love that colour of wool, multicoloured, I've knitted before, I love it!

The leftover wool I don't throw away, I can mix it with other wool or I can make other crafts. Here the truth is a different climate from Argentina ... I don't wear woollen clothes anymore but I used to wear a lot of them.

Beautiful @emma-h2 ❤️

Thanks @avdesing I like your style of mixing and matching, that's a good idea. Why did you stop wearing wool? Does it irritate your skin?

No, it's just that it's not cold here even in winter, I suffer more from the heat than from the cold. I have a lot of nice woollen clothes but I don't wear them because I'm warm.

I brought them from Argentina thinking that I would use them .... and I didn't.

I don't knit but I think it's great that you do that! Giving it away is better than tossing it out. You did a great job on yours!

Thanks for the kind words. Knitting is a good skill to have, I'm glad I never gave up on learning it. I know you stack silver and gold, are you into any DIY crafts yourself?

Not as much as I would like, for years my son and work kept me so busy that my old hobbies were left behind! I used to do a lot of fishing and scuba diving, I'll probably pick that up again as I have more free time. As far as crafts and DIY fixing up things in the house is about it. But who knows, I have been considering picking up a new hobby, maybe painting which I know nothing about except museum are so it might be fun!

What is a cows favourite song
I like to mooooove it mooooooove it

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This is a good rebranding it sure is better than throwing it away for sure.. and the work is neat too, colorful wise i love it ☺️☺️

Sorry for the late reply @fredaig I'm so glad that you like it. I'm hoping to finish it up quite fast (and the other one) and then get the next project on the go when autumn hits. Have a great weekend!

Ohhh well seems you got it all figured out. Oh and my week is going great, how about yours ??


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You made me remember knitting again
It has been over ten years since I knitted
I don't even know if I can remember how to knit anymore

You won't know unless you try, maybe you'll surprise yourself.

What do you use your left over wool for?

I turn them into little sheep, that I can count, in order ( literally and figuratively ) to fall asleep

I love these types of stitched materials! My grandmother made a few of these for us when we were kids, really little kids. Sadly I don't know if any of them survived, it would be cool to get my hands on if it still existed!

We had this really nice nurse knit our son a hat when he was born, it was adorable! We still have it and I refuse to throw it away lol my wife wanted to toss it. I said hell no, I'm going to use that thing when he has kids!

I wouldn't throw that stuff away, the wool but then again, I don't have a roll of it around the house. You could give it to your cat and turn it into a toy lol