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RE: Braga Enterizo Larga: Una pieza creada especialmente para Mi Hija, un proyecto de costura con amor./ ENG: Long Jumpsuit: A piece created especially for My Daughter, a sewing project with love.

I don't remember checking how long it took. But I consider that one of the steps that took me the most time was cutting. I generally make small items, and this onesie type panty was an adult size XL piece. And since I don't have a cutting table, I have to do it on the floor. But hey, despite being somewhat complicated, every effort is worth it. Thank you very much for stopping by, greetings and blessings.


It’s the effort definitely. I love your designssssss. Arggghhh I wish I perfected my sewing.

Thank you so much. And you still have time to learn and create many things. My best wishes to you, blessings.