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RE: Upcycling at 2000m altitude.

in NeedleWorkMonday11 months ago

I LOVE your high altitude photos and activity... makes me think of my sewing travels, and what a beautiful photography book it would make... I made a handmade book of drawings of my travels, from Scotland to Slovenia by bike, ferry, train. It was a really nice experience. I love your unique take on it, - where you are thinking and feeling so deeply around your condensed travel-wardrobe. Your images remind me of being high in the mountains too, when I came to Italy with my car, possessions and cat, the first time... stopping with a flask high up in the Alps... looking down at the valleys as if from an aeroplane... The freshness of the air soooo crystal perfection. Thank you for sharing this!

Every time you ask 'how many items of clothing do we really need?' I think to myself, 'there is no top limit, for me!!' BUT yes, I am certainly honing my skills to have more perfect items which are beautiful functional AND comfortable, so that they are more likely to be worn. I do need different kinds of clothing and very specific things for specific seasons, too. Only very comfortable and rubber-soled shoes, for example, because all the centuries-worn marble steps in the medieval quarter are very slippy winter and summer. Work and play, fun and walking, social armour and self-expression... there's so much I haven't expressed yet! :-D


I made a handmade book of drawings of my travels, from Scotland to Slovenia by bike, ferry, train.

Love this!! I am sure it is a great piece to look at from time to time! (at the moment I am not really drawing at all, but did so before on travels and I LOVE that way of remembering it) By making though I find that all those memories go into the object, but then most of the time you don't really keep it until the end (at least me) because you constantly alter all your belongings while moving...
The alps, are one of my favourite places, for sure! And the air, I feel like I can drink it😊

I feel you on that second part! I guess I am constantly switching between "how much do I really need?" and "I want to express every of my moods through the perfect clothing item"😅 But in general always working towards combining comfortable-beautiful-functional...
Thank you for those lovely words💕