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RE: Another Day, Another Knitway

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago

Lol I think I was jumping ahead to the sweaters. Surely you’re right and it won’t take me 20 years to learn to knit socks either. 😄

It’s funny you mentioned that because @marblely posted about learning the Continental style and because she is normally a crocheter she is liking that way much better than the English style. I’ve bookmarked the videos she posted to have a look.

Honestly, the reason I stopped practicing my knit and purl was from discouragement of dropping so many stitches. In crochet it’s so much easier fixing a mistake but when you don’t know what you’re doing in knitting, it’s so much harder figuring out how to pick them back up. Me and frogging are best friends when it comes to knitting.

Lol, yep I’m a crochet addict! 😂

I get what you mean about the hippie look which is why I’m very picky on what I choose to crochet. 😁


Helping out remotely in handcrafts is quite hard but I like to try. If you drop stitches, a crochet hook is actually your best friend in recovering them without having to frog at all, you basically crochet your way back up with the stitch, row by row. While you are just getting your hands used to their weird new position, it might help if you use a coarse yarn, like an Icelandic wool, so if and when you drop stitched, your work won’t unravel as easily because the yarn grabs onto itself.

I just saw this crochet book while browsing and even I’m tempted!

These are great tips and I’m sure they will be very helpful to me. Thank you, I’m grateful for any tips that will help me improve.

Oooh la la!! 😍 I think I’m due for a new bag anyway! 😁