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RE: Sewing again.

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year (edited)

Being refreshed brings out the best ideas in us all. The many times I have taken breaks away from what I love have been the best moments of rest. When I get back to it it’s hard to shut down my thoughts and ideas of what I want to do next. I can’t tell you the last time I crocheted until two weeks ago (it has been months). When I picked up my hook it was hard to put it back down again. 😊

I can imagine how amazing it was to see that beautiful post by @alt3r modeling her lovely apron made by your hands. I loved the photos and through them you can see how much she loved her garment. She and I recently met here on Hive and I really adored reading one of her gardening posts. I look forward to reading more from her.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts ~ 💗


When I get back to it it’s hard to shut down my thoughts and ideas of what I want to do next.

Exactly!!😊 Especially the things we love... because we love them we forget, that a break is still a thing needed from time to time, I think.

Oh that is lovely you met her!! I enjoy her garden a lot too🙃

As always a pleasure to have you stopping by, reading your words💜
