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RE: #needleworkmonday :: My turn for Barbie

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

You did soooo good on her dress!!! I love the shape and color of it. Smart move to switch it to the bottom of the dress, it produced great results.

I’ve had a few Barbies during my childhood and always wished I had more clothes for them. So fun that you can make your own clothes for her now!

I love her hair, shoes, mini top and whole look!! 😍

Okay you ladies are gonna make the whole NWM Community get a Barbie to dress up!!! 😂


Thank you @crosheille!! Heheh. It was really fun to work this one, especially that it is a work as we go kinda pattern. Ooo... time to increase, ooo... time to decrease... ooo.. how about changing this up a little, ooo.. maybe do it different direction.
I love her hair too!! The main reason why I bought her :D
Yes, I think everyone should get a Barbie to dress up! Hahah.

That is so cool! It's a good learning process as I'm sure you took notes about all of the increases and decreases! 😁😉

Yes, I'm ready to go and get one now! Everyone will soon have a Needlework Barbie! 😂