#needleworkmonday :: My turn for Barbie

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

Happy #NeedleWorkMonday everyone!


Meet Blue. My first Barbie doll.

Growing up, I have always wanted a Barbie but I did not get one because I didn't ask for one. But whenever I go visiting and if I see a Barbie, I would slowly make my way to her and play with her hair (sounds a little creepy? :D)

When @lauramica showed her talents in sewing Barbie doll's garments, I was inspired and was brought back to my childhood days of Barbie doll-lessness. Now that I am able to get one myself, I did, thanks to @lauramica! :)

Plus, when it comes to crocheting or knitting, I always have a problem of finishing a garment project. So, with my Barbie (I got 2 Barbie dolls but this round, Blue will be model :), I think I will be able to complete garment projects :D.

I used a variegated pink white yarn and initially, I was thinking of a top down sleeveless dress. This dress was crocheted as I went along and stitches were added and decreased as I went along, following the the Blue's figure. I used a 3.125MM or D crochet hook and chained 27 or 30 at first.


I "measured" the chains around Blue's chest and joined with a slip stitch.


For row 1, I single crocheted all around and joined with a slip stitch. For row 2, I did double crochet all around...


... and continued with row 1 and row 2, increasing and decreasing stitches as I went along...


..., following Blue's figure.


But, the dress became a little big for the chest after a while and I decided to change into a bottom up dress :D


It looked better as a skirt I think with a slight flair at the bottom. A bell bottom skirt?


At the point when I reached Blue's midriff, I changed it up a little and did a V double crochet, by crocheting 3 double crochets in the same stitch with a double crochet alternately.


Once I reached the chest, it was double crochet all around.


Within a day, I completed my first garment ever with crochet!


Barbie size :)


There are so many possibilities with this! So exciting! Thank you @lauramica!

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Here's wishing everyone a good week ahead and
Happy #NeedleWorkMonday! Take care!

~ ~ ~ 🧵🧶💗🧶🧵 ~ ~ ~


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How cool is that! I love the gradient color of the yarn and the shape of the dress, it's very stylish. Well done my friend, worth to share on Twitter, show the world what we have here :)

 4 years ago  

Thank you so much @erikah :) I like the yarn too and Blue's hair contrasts the dress really nicely I thought :D

 4 years ago  

So amazing! 😍 Yes, indeed, the possibilities are endless! Can't wit to see the next dresses you are going to create for your Barbie doll.
The dress I am crocheting right now for my neice is pegged after a crochet dress from a barbie doll.

 4 years ago  

Thinking thinking :D There is a contest running now! Are you joining? Oh gosh... I salute you for crocheting life size dress! Barbie dresses will be peanuts for you :)

Wow! This is so beautiful! @marblely. With the step by step illustration of your creativity gave me more understanding OK f your job well done.

 4 years ago  

Thank you @bimpcy! :) It was fun to work this.

 4 years ago  

You have a blue haired Barbie - I did not know that these existed:-D I remember having roughly 3 Barbies as a child and I also remember that I cut them fringes. A sin , because these were old Barbies... today they would be real vintage items, but as I destroyed th hair and painted their nails (meaning the whole hands and feet) they are no expensive treasure :-DDD
But back to your wonderful blue haired version: the dress is ultra cute on her, the pastels look so nice together. I had to smile at the dress, as it looks kind of strange when lying flat, but it fits so good and the shirt over it makes it really trendy. Perhaps we soon need a Barbie garment competition ( I want to be the judge as I will never make such fiddly tiny garments, I would turn berserk, but I really can appreciate their beauty) 😍😁

 4 years ago  

Thank you dear!! Yes!! Blue haired Barbie! The main reason why I bought it and I liked that she was wearing sneakers too hehe :D Ooo.. you cut their fringes? You know, I saw Youtube videos of tutorial to change reset the entire hair of a Barbie! They cut and pulled out everything and inserted new hair. I was shocked! But cool to know that it can be done. Though it is a lot of work from the looks of it.
Yes, you are going to be judge! :) It is going to be soooo fun!!! :) How are you going to choose?? :D I am thinking, thinking what to crochet next. Need muse, need inspiration!

Feliz y productiva semana. Precioso el vestido, la forma de la cadera queda realzada. Saludos.

 4 years ago  

Gracias @jicrochet! :)

 4 years ago  

Beautiful work, congrats! I'm so glad I inspired you 😃. You made a "mermaid" cut dress, but short. Sometimes improvisations work better than initial ideas. ❤️

 4 years ago  

Thank you! Yes, you did! :) Maybe next I might sew some panties too :D
Haha yah, mermaid-ish. The best part, her figure is so good that it doesn't matter what she wears :)

 4 years ago  

Ahh yes, she is very lucky. 😅

 4 years ago  

Your dress is so beautiful, congratulation. When I see these posts from @creacioneslelys, @lauramica and now you, I remember when I played with my sister and cousins, we used to make clothes for our dolls, so I feel motivated to crochet something for my daughter's dolls.
Maybe it could be a grear idea for a challenge in this community, why not? 🤔
What do you think about?

 4 years ago  

I absolutely say yes to the creation of a doll clothes challenge, it would be very nice to see all the styles that can be created ❤️

 4 years ago  

🤗 Oh my God. I'm eager to participate. But I don't know who has to coordinate the Challenge, remember I'm new here in Hive.

 4 years ago  

We could talk to @crosheille and see what she thinks about the challenge on this community. 😃

 4 years ago  

It's a great idea. Thanks Laura 🤗

I agree that this would be a good challenge/contest idea.

We have some things in the works with bringing back some challenges so this can definitely be added to the list ;)

 4 years ago  

Good ❤️

 4 years ago  

Yay! Hehe.

Hi. I send greetings to all. I would love to participate in taking the challenge. Thank you very much 👍 @kattycrochet for the initiative. It would be great!

🙋 Hola. Envío saludos a todas. Me encantaria participar de hacerse el desafío. Muchas gracias 👍 @kattycrochet por la iniciativa. ¡Seria genial!

 4 years ago  

Thanks to you for the motivation. 🤗

 4 years ago  

Thank you!! Ooo good idea @kattycrochet and looks like there are a couple of thumbs up for the challenge already :D
Yes yes, and maybe your daughter will be inspired to crochet one too :)

You did soooo good on her dress!!! I love the shape and color of it. Smart move to switch it to the bottom of the dress, it produced great results.

I’ve had a few Barbies during my childhood and always wished I had more clothes for them. So fun that you can make your own clothes for her now!

I love her hair, shoes, mini top and whole look!! 😍

Okay you ladies are gonna make the whole NWM Community get a Barbie to dress up!!! 😂

 4 years ago  

Thank you @crosheille!! Heheh. It was really fun to work this one, especially that it is a work as we go kinda pattern. Ooo... time to increase, ooo... time to decrease... ooo.. how about changing this up a little, ooo.. maybe do it different direction.
I love her hair too!! The main reason why I bought her :D
Yes, I think everyone should get a Barbie to dress up! Hahah.

That is so cool! It's a good learning process as I'm sure you took notes about all of the increases and decreases! 😁😉

Yes, I'm ready to go and get one now! Everyone will soon have a Needlework Barbie! 😂

Oh gosh! Look how tiny and neat that is!

I can remember asking for a Barbie doll when younger, but got Sindy instead. Probably because she was cheaper. I should have learnt to give up asking for brands after that! I was never going to have what the other girls in school had. 🤣

 4 years ago  

Thank you @minismallholding :) It is tiny and the best part is that I can complete it in a day! A real life garment, I wouldn't have been able to complete it :D
Ah I have not heard or seen Sindy before. I shall go search for it :)

I can imagine how long it would take to complete a full size dress!

I never really played with dolls but I do remember there was like a Sindy vs Barbie things when i was a kid

I always thought Barbie looked the more sophisticated and adult. 😆 I think I did end up with some rejects from my cousin, in the end.

That's so pretty, simple yet elegant!

My sister's been knitting and selling Barbie clothes for quite a few years and she says there's quite a good market for it from USA. She sold this recently for £10 even though she listed for £4.50!

 4 years ago  

Thank you @livinguktaiwan! Wow.. your sister's knitted dress is beautiful. Oh that is good to know. How does she sell? Is it through etsy? The buyer paid her extra tips? That is really cool. I was thinking to brush up on my skills and possibly sell them too someday :D

beautiful dress and skirt for the barbie@marblely.. remind me of my childhood time barbie :)

 4 years ago  

Thank you @devyleona :)

you're welcome @marblely :)