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RE: Mi hija y yo / My daughter and I

in NeedleWorkMonday11 months ago

Oh my how I love this idea! Bringing a child’s artwork to life can be so encouraging, rewarding and motivating to the artist…as well as to you too. I can imagine how special your daughter feels seeing you bring her piece of artwork to life in such a way with needlework. This is amazing. I encourage you to continue this.

Are you wanting to make this into a small business? Just curious if this is just for fun or a business venture idea. 😃

Thanks for sharing ~ 💕


Thank you
Yes, it is a business venture idea... I will love get some drawings from parents who want they child art become a real toy...
I begins with my daughter draw just to try if I am able to do that job

Thank you for you support!! 💚💚💚

Oh wow! Honestly, I can see this idea really taking off. You do so well representing the drawings with your creations. I wish you the best with this.

Please keep us posted with how things go ~ 😃💓

Thank you!!!
Sure, I will... it is just the beginning
Thank you for your support and your work for us as community!

Absolutely!! 😉🤗