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RE: Sewing again.

There is this meme online of an Indian guru (maybe it is all made up, but nonetheless) saying something of the following: if you are having a bad day give up. It sounds very negative and bad, but some days things just don't work out and it is okay. It is all fine to just rest for a while. We all need the rest. We artistic types also struggle with that burnout wall that always looms in the shadows.

I am glad that you could manage to do something despite these speedbumps being in the way. We should do the things we love to do but sometimes it helps to rest just a little.


I have heard something similar recently something like: if it works do it as much as you can and if it doesn't keep on trying different things until you find one that works...
...and valuing rest (or giving up) is something not really promoted at all in this society, sometimes its a really nice thing to remember!

So true. Sometimes you deserve to just do "nothing". I recently read an academic paper in which (all philosophical jargon removed now) time spent "effectively" has been linked to morality. So if you do not spend time "effectively" (that is, by doing something that either makes you money or someone else) you are in essence being "lazy". But this is so wrong. We need to spend time reading books and cooking food and enjoying relationships with others. We need this time off from the buzz of modern life. (Haha sorry for the long essay comment.)

I completely Agree!!
...otherwise what would be the point if we couldn't?

Exactly. It is merely "making time" to take off some time. We are so bad at that skill, yet it is so important.