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RE: (very) Slow Fashion

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year (edited)

The pictures are xo amazing, i got hooked viewing fashion combinex with nature, and the natural lightening did justice🥰 to these photographs.

@clareartista also inspires me, it's been long I tried hand sewing,it's slow but helps especially when on a journey and you really need to get an inspired style done.


Oh, thanks for this mention also, dear @glorydee !! I love how we inspire each other to try a different pace in sewing, in particular: I got inspired by others in using the machine this week 😇😍 and am loving being able to move forward more efficiently on projects that have long hems, for example! Hehe! So glad that we encourage each other to slow down though: slowing down is one of the greatest natural medicines that we can heal with, and which is available to us all, right here right now.


...the long hems is what I have a horror of, I guess I'll end up shaping any design until it has no more long hems at all😅

Talking about textile with nature, Alice Fox's works are my favorite fiberarts :)

ooh, I just had a look at it, beautiful indeed!!! (thanks for the tip!!😊)

Thank you!!💕
Indeed it is awesome to have that sharing and inspiring each other to try out different ways...😊