
After 6 years in Portugal, I like to think that I am pretty patient. Nice to get a sign of life from your side. You are being missed and so is your stand out content.✨🤗

...true, now the heat comes so there is even more patience😅
I guess I had to take a bit of a winter-sleep, but I am waking up now😊

I guess I had to take a bit of a winter-sleep, but I am waking up now

Hope you are feeling refreshed.
It's full on Spring, feels like Summer here, since a week and a half.

Nature is going crazy ( in a good way )!✨

Nature is going crazy ( in a good way )!✨

Here too! I love it, every day feels like exploring a magical jungle, amazes me every year again, as if I had never seen it before😁

Some serious earlt Summer weather here, in Portugal, as you have read in my post. Super enjoyable and energizing ✨

Good to have you back :^)