#NeedleWorkMonday :: A completed knit

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

It was two months ago that I felt like knitting. I had no goal, no purpose, it was just the feeling of wanting to knit, to feel those needles click clacking away (though in my case, it was some really soft click clack and slow because my fingers are not fast when it comes to knitting). But to be able to feel the needles and the actions of the fingers moving to knit, it was what I wanted and what I needed at that time.

Throughout the two months, I knitted whenever I felt like it, row by row, one after another, really, really slowly. My attention span is short these days, and I knitted at max two to three rows each time, resting a few days in between when I didn't feel like it. It is a mood thing.

I was wondering what to do with this knitted piece and I so wanted to finish it off as a completed project, anything. I have had in the past knitted but without a goal of making anything and I ended up not making anything or I had a goal but it didn't follow through. The knitted pieces were left on the needles and stayed there for years, yes years. This round, I thought of the simplest project that I could make. Take a guess, what would it be?


As I knitted, I measured it around my head or crown to get the length I needed. Once I reached the length I thought should fit just right, not too tight and not too loose, I binded off. I forgot how to bind off at first, but it is funny how when the fingers worked it, the memories of it came back, just like that. At first I thought I had needed to check online but after I knitted with the intention to bind off, I somehow remembered how to do it. Yippy!


I joined the knitted piece by sewing the extra yarn into the knitted stitches. I tried to be neat with this knit and it was somewhat neat. But I realised that it didn't matter because they will be hidden.


Then I knitted a smaller piece to hide the stitches and to create some sort of a bow, just like how I saw most people do when they talk about creating hairbands, the only difference is that mine is a low key gray, nothing fancy. I should have knitted a black piece, that would be even more low key and it would be a colour that I would wear but when it comes to black yarn, it is hard to see the stitches. Gray is good and this yarn is so soft. Bamboo cotton yarn is nice.


Although it is a simple piece, I am quite happy that I managed to finish this knit project instead of abandoning it halfway. I like the simple garter stitches too. They look pretty consistent and not too many loose holes or mistakes. I accidentally skipped some stitches, but luckily the skipped stitches were mostly on the same side and I could hide them by turning them inside :D. This is so unlike some of my previous knits, loose holes here and there, inconsistent stitches and always hanging.

Aaahh... my very own knitted hairband.


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Here's wishing everyone a good week ahead and Happy #NeedleWorkMonday! Take care!

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 3 years ago  

Such a good choice to transform your knitting into a hairband (not sure which kind of weather you have right now, but here its getting cold and hair bands and hats are coming out). I love the neat garter stitch on this project and I think it will be comfortable to wear as it has a bit more stretch than stockinette. And yes to the problematic black. I also like it a lot as a color, but knitting with dark colors especially in the vending is tough. I always have problems to identify the stitches (I started on a new pair of striped socks and one color is a dark brown 😱)

My daughter is making hats from a black velvet yarn. I warn her not to make a mistake, because finding a dropped stitch will be almost impossible.

Thank you ! I am in a tropical climate, so it is either rain or shine! :D I would like to experience some winter weather some day. The garter stitch is quite stretchy and yes stockinette is not that stretchy although I thought it looked nicer. Yes, black! It hurts the eyes just to find the stitch. Haha. Oh dear, dark brown can be rather dark but hey, once you are done with the stripe, you can look forward to the other more visible colours :D

I find your work so beautiful and clean. the images are impeccable, I love it. thank you for sharing.

Thank you dear :)

wonderful hair band !!! you're a big lad!!!!!

Thank you dear!

Nicely done. It is always a good feeling to finish things. I try to finish things faster than I start new things, but starting is so much easier (most of the time.)

Thank you dear @fiberfrau. It is! I hope to finish more projects than leaving them 1/4 done. Small projects are the best for me :D

Beautiful thanks for sharing

Thank you.

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