Diy of a brown Dress || A snail progress of fashion skill acquisition

Hello Hive

Beautiful morning family, I hope Monday meets you well and the weather not to harsh on your skin.
One devil of distraction has been keeping me so occupied that am still to start work on the contest on ground.
Needlework jewelry which am looking forward to what I can achieve with fabrics.
Fabrics is my thing and I hope I won't miss out as my imaginations has been working on what I can achieve.



Down the line I wanted this to be my Needleworkmonday blog for today
A dress I disliked because of its color.

Brown is my most hated color and I dont ever want to wear anything in brown, so I damaged this fabrics and kept it in wait for days.

Now this post is supposed to be about my progress in the fashion industry. So I will spill a little regarding that.

Fashion was what I dared to learn when it became obvious I will be jobless in this country if I don't learn a skill to complement my school certificate.

Down the line for roughly 4years I encountered challenges that made me quit at some point, it was like I will never get to know this thing
Not my passion or something I love to do.

I damaged lots of fabrics and this dress was among the damages. I made a dress so bad that it could not pass through my head. It was unbearable 😭😂😄😁😭.

These days when I look at my progress, am just glad I never quit, it was a snail progress but something dropped in my mind everyday and am able to make better designs at sewing.

Tried to revisit this dress after laying for 3 solid years(It was used for one of my sewing practicals) to see if I could save it.

The fabric was a gift from my friends mum and I had to make her see that I cherish the gift by wearing it even though I don't like the color.

Now to how I made a dress that can't enter my head, only God knows
Maybe I got used to using what am taught without analyzing if it works for every style.

The neckline had this dimension

Front neckline 3" by 3" width and depth
Back neckline. 3" width by 1" depth.

So I went through the stress to rip off the seams of the dress and remake it all over again

I swear its very much easier to make a new outfits with my level of fashion understand now compared to the time I would use to rework an older dress.





I added extra strip around the neckline just to brighten up the brown color

I hope the stress is worth it and I can rock a brown color for a while.



Am just grateful that against all odd I keep making progress with my fashion training even if am crawling, someday I will get to the peak of this.

Thanks for reading, hope you didn't get bored


You did an excellent job here, the gown looks good on you.

Thank God say I teach you well 😂, and won't have to bother about you sewing cloth that doesn't enter your head again🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️

Keep up the good work.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 103 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


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@pixresteemer(4/5) tipped @monica-ene (x1)

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I made a dress so bad that it could not pass through my head. It was unbearable 😭😂😄😁😭.

I didn't put a zip in a dress because I felt since it's elastic my head will pass through. Epic fail 😄 my big head refused to pass

Now to how I made a dress that can't enter my head, only God knows
Maybe I got used to using what am taught without analyzing if it works for every style.


Now the dress looks, no one would know all the manipulation involved if you didn't say.

You can say that a again..

Me think say every bubu go enter head without zip, I come do tiny neck again..


Thank God am not the only one with this experience.

 2 years ago  

I admire your persistence. Reworking a failed design is so complicated. Much harder than sewing something new from scratch (I may have hidden a blue dress in my cupboard thats awaits the same effort you put into your brown dress…) I know you may feel different but I think you are such a good seamstress and your designs are inventive and beautiful.
I cross my fingers that you will either have the opportunity to go on with the sewing or find a wonderful job which involves your studies (which would be more to your liking?)

Please bring out your blue dress let's rework it 😊😊 to keep your cupboard free.
I want to bring a challenge where everyone can clean up the work in progress projects so that we can start on a new page...

It will be fun and also we can pledge to always finish every project and enjoy the pleasure of completeness

 2 years ago  

I fear my blue dress is no longer in the fun department :-DDD Too wide shoulders, bust dart too big and wrong placement, waist too big, overall sh*** fit. I still have no idea how to change it either to repurpose the fabric 😱
But a clean up challenge will be good nevertheless as I have a lot of ne knit/crochet projects which need finishing

This is a beautiful and lovely dress. It fits you well. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks dear.

Nice one dear

Thanks dear..

Hope you have something to show us today?.

Yes darling

😂😂Sis, how did you make a dress that couldn't enter your head? Thank God for growth o, imagine all the cool things you can make today and see where you're coming from. It's amazing.

You did a great job with fixing the top and I don't know the beef you have with the color brown because you look stunning in it.

bravo my dear!!! you did it!!! I know that you like bright colors and of course brown will not be to your liking. but this dress is very cute! it fits perfectly on you and the neckline you fixed is just wonderful! this dress will be a symbol of your advancement!!!!

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Keep doing beautiful projects and your skills expand daily. I have been sewing fro over 50 years, and I still have so many things I want to try and learn! !BBH !CTP


50years of sewing.
Am impressed and so happy to hear that.
You do definately have experiences I want to tap into.
I hop we can chat and talk more.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Beautiful @monica-ene always at your best thanks for sharing