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RE: #needleworkmonday :: Continuing my hole searching

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

Good job on such a delicate fabric. I would have been afraid that the knitted fabric would unravel. But your mending skills are very inspirational (I keep saying this and my hill is no longer a hill but a mountain 😱)
I hope you do not have an infestation with insects (my mother found some in her wardrobe after she had also holes in all kinds of fabric, natural and artificial fibres) After killing them and buying a repellent, her clothes are ok so far... I hope it stays this way.

 4 years ago  

O dear.. I hope not.. insects will make me go nuts with cleaning. We do put moth balls all around.
Oh you know what, knitted fabric is quite forgiving when it comes to sewing this kinda thing. When you pull it here and there, it kinda disappears haha.
Thank you @neumannsalva for dropping by always. It is nice reading your comments each time :)
p.s. my sewing machine died :( this time, the handwheel is all jammed up. I knew I was pushing my luck with sewing when the machine started making funny sounds, almost like clunking but I sewed on. I did some research but it has nothing to do with bobbin or dirt this time. Sounds like this time I will need to send to the shop but we are on lockdown for another 2 weeks if it is not extended!!