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RE: Needleworkmonday: A Kingsnake and a Sweater / Schlangensocken und Streifenpulli. [Ger/Eng]

in NeedleWorkMonday • 4 years ago

Nooooooo!!!!! I wanted to see the whole sweater (or the pattern) you are not allowed to knit secretly 😂😱😂 But if the weather is getting as fast warmer as I fear, you should perhaps better cast on a knitted bra (I like warmth, but I hate heat and this humid stinky air we have here)
Your socks are amazing and I cannot imagine to knit something like this under pressure. It is stunning how the pattern and colors form the optical illusion of braids. Wow.


The sweater is cotton/viscose, so suitable for German summers. And especially good to knit in summer, I hate knitting with wool when it's warm.