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RE: #needleworkmonday :: My turn for Barbie

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

You have a blue haired Barbie - I did not know that these existed:-D I remember having roughly 3 Barbies as a child and I also remember that I cut them fringes. A sin , because these were old Barbies... today they would be real vintage items, but as I destroyed th hair and painted their nails (meaning the whole hands and feet) they are no expensive treasure :-DDD
But back to your wonderful blue haired version: the dress is ultra cute on her, the pastels look so nice together. I had to smile at the dress, as it looks kind of strange when lying flat, but it fits so good and the shirt over it makes it really trendy. Perhaps we soon need a Barbie garment competition ( I want to be the judge as I will never make such fiddly tiny garments, I would turn berserk, but I really can appreciate their beauty) 😍😁


Thank you dear!! Yes!! Blue haired Barbie! The main reason why I bought it and I liked that she was wearing sneakers too hehe :D Ooo.. you cut their fringes? You know, I saw Youtube videos of tutorial to change reset the entire hair of a Barbie! They cut and pulled out everything and inserted new hair. I was shocked! But cool to know that it can be done. Though it is a lot of work from the looks of it.
Yes, you are going to be judge! :) It is going to be soooo fun!!! :) How are you going to choose?? :D I am thinking, thinking what to crochet next. Need muse, need inspiration!