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RE: AZL Dream Journal Excerpt 003

in DREAM2 years ago

Well, if you're reading this, I guess I've managed to keep this going for one more week!

Well, I am reading this and have to say, I hope you will keep going for more than one or two {or more} weeks :) How cool!! I already checked a bit your previous posts on this topic. Wow... is it a too simple reaction? hahaha.. But, I am amazed with what I read from your post and from the content form your journal, but there it is a bit hard to read from {interesting handwriting btw}

the answers are always within reach, from a place deeper than the realm of intelligence...from the realm of the soul, or the intuition.

Hm, yes. However, not easy to achieve always, at least when we block ourselves with futile thoughts, or destructive ones that sometimes come... When we let ourselves be guided by - quoting your words- blissful heights of mindful peace then everything is different :) And you are right, a rose bush can not bloom all year and the same with the quality of our life (dreams, thoughts, feelings and all that comes out from them). Even then, we have to be grateful for the non-blooming period, and take care of the rose bush, and then I am sure we can have plenty of great moments in that period too.


I don’t know how to do those cool quote bars, I’ve got to figure that out. Perhaps part of the challenge is that I don’t have a computer so I do all my posting from a phone :)

Yes! Points awarded to you for being the first to catch it - all entries in the journal are written upside-down and backwards :) When I was a kid, my dad showed me a copy of DaVinci’s journal. He explained how you had to use a mirror to read the handwriting and I knew right then I needed to learn how to write like that - so I created some easy exercises to learn the skill, but never had much of a use for it until I started dream journalling!
I’ve considered putting together a short tutorial to teach people how to write like this, but so far haven’t done anything with that as I’m not so sure it’s something many would find useful or interesting. But it does make your writing look cool and mysterious! :)

I agree, our connection to what I generally call the intuition (intuition = the higher self, the soul, the silence, the great void, God, etc, & intellect is the term I use for ego, the lower self, etc.) can be fickle, and even comes and goes in waves. I think the important thing is not to hide from the world in a peaceful sanctuary, but to be in it, among all the madness. This always requires a balance between intuition and intellect, but it’s so easy to get pulled into the world of folly, letting the intellect take charge again. It happens to me in phases, but I am always at peace when intellect is subservient to intuition, though this does require an “audible” connection to silence…if that makes any sense lol!

I don’t know how to do those cool quote bars, I’ve got to figure that out.

Ok, so from the phone (or same from a computer) you can use this sign to quote the part or the post or sentence you want.


Yeah, I saw it is somehow reverse, or backwards haha, but couldn't explain. So kind of a mirror writing ... Cool 😎
Tutorials! Why not? You see, you have already one who would sign up for the lessons 😁

Balance, balance! So important! Also, always trying to reach it, failing most of the time I think 😂


though this does require an “audible” connection to silence…if that makes any sense lol!

Check my latest post if you want...more about silence in music, but when you said silence... :)

Thanks for showing me how to do that!!

I’ll check it out now, I’ve really been enjoying your posts in general so I know it won’t disappoint :)