Sumarizace / Summarizing

in Česky!last month

(Google translate from Czech)

Někdo tuší, někdo ani neví, že v české komunitě na Hive probíhá (ještě posledních pár dní) slušně dotovaná soutěž (výzva) #challenge50, jejímž autorem je @pavelsku.
Some suspect, some don't even know, that a decently subsidized competition (challenge) #challenge50, the author of which is @pavelsku, has been going on in the Czech community on Hive (for the last few days).

Tato výzva má celkem jednoduché pravidlo:
překonat o 25% svůj nejlepší letošní článek.
This challenge has a pretty simple rule:
beat your best article this year by 25%.

Řekl jsem si: „Vyzkouším to.“
Připadal jsem si trochu jako malý kluk, kterému se náhodou podařilo přeskočit „kaluž“ a už myslel na to, jak přeskočit „rybník“.
I said to myself, "I'll give it a try."
I felt a bit like a little boy who accidentally managed to jump over a "puddle" and was already thinking about how to jump over a "pond".


Můj první pokus jsem si více-méně dobře připravil. „Cestovatelský“ článek s fotografiemi je skoro vsázka na jistotu.
Pokud tedy co nejlépe odhadnete čas a místo, kde a kdy „vypustíte“ článek do světa.
I prepared my first attempt more or less well. A "travel" article with photos is almost a safe bet.
That is, if you best estimate the time and place where and when you will "release" the article into the world.

opevněná ves / fortified village

Hmm. „Nedoskočil“ jsem ani do poloviny požadované vzdálenosti.
Hmm. I didn't even "jump" half the required distance.

Tak vyzkouším něco jiného.
Možná by se mohly líbit kameny a jejich makra. Nápad to špatný nebyl. Dokonce si myslím, že i ty fotografie se mi povedly.
Výsledek? Ještě horší než u prvního pokusu :-/
So I'll try something else.
Maybe you might like rocks and their macros. It wasn't a bad idea. I even think I did well with the photos.
Result? Even worse than the first attempt :-/

pár kamenů / a few stones

Třetí pokus už byl jen do počtu.
The third attempt was just enough.

nesouvislosti / inconsistencies

Kdysi se říkalo: „Ševče, drž se svého kopyta.“
U mne to znamená: „Piš si a foť pro radost a neočekávej světoborné hodnocení.“
Štěstěna je vrtkavá. Odhadovat předem hodnocení článku na Hive je totálně bláznivý počin.
It used to be said, "Cobbler, stick to your hoof."
For me, this means: "Write and take pictures for fun and don't expect a world-class evaluation."
Fortune is fickle. Predicting the rank of an article on Hive in advance is a totally crazy thing to do.



Interesting contest to enjoy within a community, writing is something exploring on the day where ones mood takes us, pool jumping not such fun as it was when younger!

I don't really jump into the pool (water) anymore. I cracked my head once :-)

The writing is much calmer though no less exciting.

Swimming when young daily keeps you fit, now no facilities I would use although do miss those years.

Finding other topics in life always enjoyable, exciting to us....

I have a pond near my house. During the bathing season, however, it is fully occupied from morning to evening. I don't like crowds though.

I'll have to go through my notes again and piece together some story. Nature is an endless source of stories :-)

Places we enjoyed also overcrowded now, simply enjoy walks when able to be out in nature looking at life away from too many people.

It's getting harder and harder to find a place near the city without people, but with a little effort you can do it :-)