Amata Huebneri : Wasp Moth In This Morning


Hello hiver friends wherever you are, how are you today, I hope you are all well and smooth while carrying out activities today, I try to present a post with some photography of insects that I found in a grass bush.



The wasp moth or better known asAmata Huebneriis a type of moth whose color is very much like a wasp, this moth uses this to protect itself from predatory predators.



Our meeting was accidental this morning, when his wings were still wet from the morning dew, he was really helpless on the leaves, he was just silent when I approached and took pictures with my cellphone, without much movement I was very free to capture some photos.



I picked it up and put it on my finger it looked he was still very tame, and again I took some pictures, after a while he started to move a lot, and flew to some plants, the wet wings had started to dry, he looked aggressive when I just approached he flew back.



Wasp moths are often found in tropical areas, usually live not far from water sources such as rivers, swamps or rice fields, there are green grass plants where they survive.



That's what I can show to the insects of the world this time, I hope you all like it, thank you also for those of you who have read my blog.

ObjectAmata Huebneri
CameraSmarphone RMX 2180
LensLensbong 45 mm

Best regards @veri-ardian


It really is a very visually striking wasp for its orange and black colors, good shots. Thanks for sharing with the community.

thank you I'm happy to share photography

We appreciate your work and your post has been manually curated on behalf of Insects Of The World Community. It will be added to the weekly curation report. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much

Hello @veri-ardhian!

Nice images!
We appreciate your work and your post was manually curated by @none! from the DNA team!

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Thank you for choosing my post, I really appreciate it.