My Random Unblended Portrait

in Nerday3 years ago

Today, I'll be sharing with you one of my very first sketches I made when I started posting on Hive a few months ago. When I first started, I made sure to take the whole process slow, try to master certain techniques as blending was to be learnt and practiced later on.

I got inspired to make this Sketch while seeing a TV series titled "See." The storyline borders on the idea that everyone on earth became blind as a result of a viral outbreak and those with sight were hunted and killed. Towards the end of the season I noticed that grey specks had gathered in the beards of the general who hunted those with sight.

This piece also helped me experiment light and darkness in a way that I've never done before. It was actually quite exciting. This is what I came up with;


These are the procedures





The sketch was made with an HB, 6B, 8B and 10B.

Thanks for stopping by guys, can't wait for tomorrow.
