Magical Mystery Tour

in Nerday3 years ago (edited)


Enter through a golden bell.

In these woods my lady casts her spell.
The dawns light forges shadows
On a path I don't know well.

Purple path away it leads

to royal majesty a splendor
Blues only quail you to sleep.
The journey calls me further


In the hollowed woods I hear

Can a friend turn after all these years?
Subtle voices whisper tears.
A kiss never forgotten.

Dark above the sun refused to shine.
The wind cries out in horror
How can it be... bent upon




This is the way it must be.
The tree cries out in deformity.

How she longed to see him again.
How she longed to hear his voice.

Her tears in a knot.
Her son is lost.

No, he is not


deep grass.jpg






I really enjoyed your imagery and your rhythmic way of unraveling the poem. Good work.

Thanks. I'm glad you picked it up. I haven't been inspired to write meuch poetry. How is your son? My youngest is in 5th grade now.

My sons are great. The oldest just turned 18 and the youngest just turned 12. Both are doing great. Thanks for asking. How’s your kiddo doing?

My boys are 15 and 11. Thinking about how to deal with high school.


Yes. That's where we are leaning toward.

It works for us. As long as you keep your children active in the things they love, for us it’s been martial arts, acting, and paintball; the kids will get their much-needed social network going. That’s always what I hear people say their biggest concern is. That they’re afraid their kids will be missing a social life. I think they will be missing a social life, but it will be a social life that you don’t want them to have anyway. Instead, they will find people of genuine quality and their time will be spent in a lot more constructive avenues. I hope you choose to do it.