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RE: Will Apple ever release a foldable iPhone

in Nerday3 years ago

Dear very productive friend, it would be to have several devices in one, either computer or cell phone, it would give you a lot of possibilities to make quality publications, as you have done until now for Hive, in the communities of your preferences, but it is so difficult, although not impossible, in Venezuela with a salary that does not reach 50 dollars a month, after working for more than 40 years as a Supervising Professor in Venezuela, where the pensions are two and a half dollars, in any case my dear friend does not give up the idea of ​​acquiring such equipment and can give more quality publications as it always does. Successes @daltono dear friend, you are appreciated.


That's right brother @daltono , Hive has been the great surprise for the family, the aforementioned communication platform is one of the best opportunities that has passed through my life, even my publications related to yoga, it has not only brought financial benefits for food and medicines But it has improved my health, because I feel better with this practice after having gone through a terrible illness that almost ended my life, and doing yoga has been the best thing that has happened to me. Thank you dear for your messages

I imagine that saving up for a device this pricey would be nearly impossible in Venezuela. Your money is better spent elsewhere. Maybe your success on Hive will eventually offer you the opportunity to purchase such lavish tech. By the sound of things, it seems like your earnings on Hive already outweigh that which you are paid for your supervising professor career.

Así es hermano, Hive ha sido la gran sorpresa para la familia, la citada plataforma comunicacional es una de las mejores oportunidades que ha pasado por mi vida, incluso mis publicaciones relacionadas con el yoga, no solo ha traido beneficios financieros para la alimentación y medicinas sino que ha mejorado mi salud, por cuanto me siento mejor con dicha práctica luego de haber pasado por una terrible enfermedad que casi acaba con mi vida, y hacer yoga ha sido lo mejor que me ha ocurrido. Gracias estimado por tus mensajes.

Acabo de ir a una clase de yoga esta mañana, me hizo sentir increíble.

Estoy muy feliz de saber que Hive ha mejorado su vida en gran medida. Usted es su familia y merece ser feliz y saludable al igual que el resto de nuestro hermoso mundo.

Gracias estimado amigo, recibe mis sinceras felicitaciones por su decisión. Aproveche el yoga como un acto recreativo que cura integralmente. Siempre en contacto amigo. Éxitos.