After Iraqi President Hussein "illegally" attacked neighboring Kuwait in August 1990, despite the fact the UN's ban on the use of force prohibits wars of aggression, people of the United States were outraged and protested against the violation of this ban on the use of force. Meanwhile, President George Bush Senior, who was in office at that time, was plotting to prepare a massive attack on Iraq and legitimize the establishment of American dominance in Gulf.
After Kuwait was conquered by the Iraqis in a very short time, the US President Bush spread "War Propaganda" with the royal Kuwaiti family. In order to stir up public hatred, they developed "The Nayirah testimony". On Oct. 10, 1990, a 15-year-old girl tearfully told the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Committee she had worked there in one of the country's hospitals during Iraq's attack on Kuwait.
According to her testimony, the girl saw Iraqi soldiers ripping babies from their incubators and throwing them on the ground to leave them to die. George Bush Senior spread this news in the media, adding that 312 newborns had died in this way. Successfully, the public was "deceived"🤥🙄 by this lie by "Nayirah" aka "Nijirah Al-Sabah", an outstanding liar, actress and daughter of Saud Bin Nasir Al-Sabah, a Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States which is why people were in favor of a war against Iraq since this falsehood was spread.
In January 1991, the U.S. committed massive air strikes on Kuwait and Iraq to drive out the Iraqis. Television networks simply did not report on the very brutal three-month war in which 85,000 Iraqi soldiers died in agony. Instead, reality was twisted and brutal images were censored so the population would not see the extent of the carnage. Germany also paid part of the cost of the war, and so did the German population.
It was only after the war against Iraq that this story turned out to be a lie. The girl had never worked in a hospital and only at that time became known as the daughter of Saud Bin Nasir Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The government hired the communications firm "Hill & Knowlton" to spread the war propaganda and collaborated with the royal Kuwaiti family.
As you can see, both parties have resorted to well-tried means for advocating the war, spreading lies and instrumentalizing children and babies for their own purposes. Innocent living beings trigger the "protective instinct" in adult people and make them act emotionally, thus triggering purely emotional action based on a completely fabricated story. This is exactly what made the population accept a brutal war in which many children died, which of course was skillfully concealed from them by the mainstream media, like so much else.🤫
If such things are simply concealed, they are too far away and do not trigger undesirable emotions in advocating people concerned. A war that was started without a reason and advocated by the people was not allowed according to the UN prohibition of violence, which leads to some questions.
- Has anyone actually been held accountable for this?
- Were there any consequences for those responsible for their orchestrated lie that they spread in order to start a war?
- Have people learned from this not to be so easily fooled by politics & media in future?
- Is it no longer possible in the meantime to manipulate people through staged media spectacles into supporting staged wars?
All these questions can be answered with the same word: NO!😔
I think, just this here thematized conspiracy theory, which has already proven itself many years ago is such a topic area, about which as many system critics as possible should know, in order to also be able to plausibly question in their own argumentation in the dialogue with naive people - whom it is necessary to wake up - why one should still blindly trust governments & media in the most diverse topic areas.
Only if larger parts of the "masses" learn to question everything, to think for themselves and to form their "own opinion" independently of the prevailing media, there is a chance for our species to learn from history at some point and not to have to repeat it constantly from then on.