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RE: #CallingOutMyPrivilege podcast

in DSound4 years ago

Thank you sooo much for this beautiful response, @creativetruth - yesss! Compassion is a hard line to walk, when the privilege perpetuates because an entitled person is so very insensitive to the effect that they're having on those around them. And doesn't want to be sensitive to it, because they genuinely believe that THEY'RE the hard-done-by one... I feel that this is one of the illustrations of having the 'privilege' of being able to hold onto our trauma and use it as a means of 'proving' that WE are 'victims', so that we can retain our privilege, essentially.
Sometimes, depending on what the atmosphere of the conversation is, there's a time and place to pull away a veil - but sometimes that veil might need a yank ;-) I am always learning more about the art of the removal of the veils... Compassion requires mastery, presence, awareness of where we might be using our power heavy-handedly... I learn a lot from responses like yours. :-)
Much gratitude to you,