Cooking at hotel? Yes, you can! / ホテルでも料理ができる

in Hive Diy2 years ago

It's 9th day of my quarantine at a hotel. I will take a PCR check tomorrow and if the result is negative, I send the proof to the government administration office. They will check it and release me the day after tomorrow.

During the quarantine, we can go out quickly when it's necessary. I went out few times for grocery shopping to convenience stores and super markets close to the hotel.

As I wanted to eat vegetables, I thought about cooking in my room. It sounds like a stupid idea but we can. There is a water cooker and microwave. It's quite a lot.

I cut and pack vegetables, tofu and rice in a container, close the lid slightly and microwave it. You can also make an Onsentamago, a kind of soft cooked egg, to top on. Don't put an egg simply in a microwave. You can find the way online.


The following one is something more easy. Natto, fermented sticky soybeans, over rice with vegetables. I didn't cut anything. I just warmed up the rice with microwave and top on other things. Veggies I bought at a convenience store were cut and packed already.


Other than this kind of food, I eat granola with fruits for breakfast, sandwiches, canned soup with bread, curry, Udon (! ... in Japan there is a pre cooked Udon you can reheat in hot water) and so on. Quite a lot of variety.

I use my Swiss army knife and a small cutting board to cut vegetables.


It can be trickier if you want to eat meat or fish as washing cooking tools and dishes might be difficult. If you buy detergent, of course you can. I clean my items just with hot water as nothing is oily and less chances of food contamination with vegetables.

I definitely eat less variety and amount of vegetables but luckily so far I don't find any sign of malnutrition, which I notice from having red patches at the corners of my mouth.

After I finish quarantine next week, I'll change my place to a hotel close to my mother's hospital. I wish I can keep on eating vegetables there too.

Quarantine is tough but there are something we can enjoy in the limited environment :)

今日はホテルでの自主隔離9日目です。明日の朝PCR検査を受けて結果が陰性であれば、証明書のコピーを提出して、 OKが出れば明後日には解放される・・・はずです。












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I saw a video on a different social media platform about a guy on TikTok who is a chef and he makes videos about cooking in hotels. He uses the iron as a cook top and will grill fish on it and stuff (I think he was putting down aluminum foil on top to keep it clean)! It was pretty amazing. People are so ingenious when they need to be. I'm proud of you eating real food and vegetables at a hotel! Most people are probably eating takeout.

It might be an interesting series! I’m not viewing TikTok (it sounds like I’m a grandma) but probably it’s time to start exploring videos on TikTok. I’ve never thought about using an iron. I must see I have one on the next room 😁

Here he is! :) I don't have a TikTok account either, but you can still watch.

Oh wow! I see, also pressing food with iron works … genius 👍😁


Did you ever see the movie Benny and Joon? XD

I didn’t know the movie. It sounds interesting 😊