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RE: First cold frames for the winter

in Hive Diy3 years ago

My biggest struggle with tagging is that I don't know what each tag represents. I wish there was a quick reference guide to know what content is good for palnet, pob etc. Ive seen someone get down voted by an entire community for using the POB tag for something a curator felt didn't belong there, so I've been careful.

Also, for the cold boxes, if you put it in an area that gets a lot of sun, you can grow lettuce and kale over the winter. No need to wrap it or anything, the dirt stays warm in there as long as you have a solid 6 to 10 inches of dirt above the ground.

We did this in the spring when the weather was still cold. Sarah put those plastic lettuce containers that you get at the store over the seedlings, and it drives as a mini greenhouse. Even when there was frost on the ground, everything underneath the plastic flourished.