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RE: WALL - E Made from recycled cardboard || WALL - E Hecho a partir de cartón reciclado

in Hive Diy2 years ago (edited)

well would you look at that! It's Wall-E!! Legitly done. I am going to be honest with you, that a lot of work by the looks of it 🤣 I'd rather stick to swinging a wrench. None the less I find it very cool.

It's something that I'll keep in a living room of my house just for the lolZ



Hi! Honestly it was a bit laborious in fact once I finished the body and the head I took a break of several months until my son came across the pieces and reminded me to finish it, then I was inspired again and I finished it.
Thanks for stopping by my post 👍

Atleast you had the right mindset to finish it. See now you've got somewhat rewarded for that effort too ey 😎😎👍... And you taught someone out their how to build that for his kiddo😎😎