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RE: [Contest] Name the Holozing Starters!

firewolf suggestions:


its a bit generic but simple enough and self explanatory as a series of evolutions


cute food related series for comic effect - dudes always hungry....or maybe has domestic abilities like turning ingredients in to food


molotov themed series. kub like wolf cub, ruf as in woof and tuff as in tough, coz he's the bigboy!


I mean...need I say more.....these dogs are lit

grass racoon suggestions:


quills as in sharp grass, -een as in green, canopy as in the tops of trees


Lawn as in mown grass, fauna as in plantlife and foliage as in leaf matter


Anagram of raccoon, Acorn vibes, racoon spelt backwards


camoflage raccoon, ambush/bushwhacka racoon, wilderness bandit themes

water whale suggestions:


Depth theme, water pool, sea + hulking size


Slow theme, low down, water flow, slow motion, slam attack, slow ocean. you get the gist


under/diver, nautical wordplay, sunken nautilus


Undertoe wordplay (also Wonder), Tidal shifter, wavemaker, Dao (as in Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) under as in submerged and a play on Down Under

Electric Rabbit suggestions:


Hare instead of rabbit, Hair Raiser (as in when static shock stands your hair on end - also sounds like Eraser, which is kind of cool), Wordplay on AirStrike, plus lightening strikes, Storm as in lightning storm


Zap+rabbit (Zaprabbit works too, or Zingrabbit (for Holozing)) wordplay on ZigZag, wordplay on Zigurrat (to build up high) and like Megabit or Gigabit -ZIGARABBIT. I suppose you could have Gigarabbit, that would be kind of funny)


just stick some Rayban shades on him for extra cool. Also sounds like Ray gun. but its a bunny.....

Elektraleap/ Elektravault/Shockjumper

theme of jumping, leaping, Vaulting (also like electric volts), shock as in electric shock


cartoony comic explosive theme, wordplay on Kaboom (except it goes boing), Bunny + Zing = Buzing + Rabbit = Buzingra (like Bazinga, play on a catchphrase from big bang theory to celebrate a win)


miscellaneous selection, Flash like a flashbang grenade, Arc like jumping electricity, lite as in light, thunder because presumably lightning attacks are pretty loud

I don't need an AI when it comes to wordplay. These are all mine : )


A tip for having suggested a name we've decided to use on the starter creatures. More info to come soon!

thankyou! looking forward to seeing it!
I will be a proud boy :)