WATER HEALER and WALLER Fanart Holozing Creature (Tribute to Akira Toriyama), Digital Art

in Holozing Community3 months ago

Hello Holozing community friends😊

Come back with me this time😁

Greetings to the @holozing and @Acidyo teams

How are you all?

May you always be healthy and given the blessings of life☺.

This time I made fanart of the characters Holozing Water Healer and Waller.

This fan art is in memory of the father of Shonen from Japan, namely Akira Toriyama, with his popular manga, Dragon Ball Z.

He only died a few days ago, and perhaps the 90s generation is very familiar with the popular manga Dragon Ball Z which is his work, many modern manga artists are oriented towards him so he is nicknamed the father of modern shonen.

His work really inspired me to learn and like drawing from the popular characters Son Goku and Vegeta as well as other characters who may be very familiar among Japanese manga fans.

The work depicting the Water Healer that I took resembles the character of Son Goku as a child riding on water that resembles a Kimton Cloud, as well as the character's clothing inspired by the clothes of the Saiyans in Dragon Ball, and also the yellow clouds and yellowish sky characteristic of the Dragon Ball anime.

I depicted the Water Healer character as flying while teasing Waller's whale a little.

I am very happy and enjoy every stroke of making this work, I hope you can see the pleasure of my work in this fanart illustration☺

Fan art work:
1.5 hours of sketching and line art, then 4 hours of coloring and final rendering.

Reference source from original holozing games:


I hope you like my post this time.

Working tool:
HP Laptop, Clip Studio Paint and Wacom Cintiq 13Hd.

Stages of creating work:*

Sketch to Line art

Basic coloring and shading to light effects

Final Render Results

Thank you for viewing my blog so far, and stay healthy, friends.

See you😊🤗


Nice tribute to Akira Toriyama Sensei! amazing as always bro, i want to create a fanart tribute to toriyama too

Yes, make a friend, because Akira Toriyama has definitely contributed a lot and influenced you too in liking the world of drawing☺

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I think that the same thing happened to many of us from that era who like to draw, we were influenced to draw by his work.

Excellent tribute friend, the drawing has a good resemblance to Akira's style

Yes, he really influenced a lot of people in a positive direction😊, thank you for appreciating my work, friend😊

Excellent work my friend! A great tribute

Thank you bro☺

Nice work bro! That new armour design is just wow. Waller looks scary with those sharp teeths xd. It would be life of death If I try to catch that big boy haha.

Toriyama will be missed however he made his mark on the world and in our hearts through Dragonball.

I wonder who is going to continue his work?

Yes ha.ha.ha.. maybe it will be a fierce battle between waller and water healer😁, yes he really inspired me and other 90s kids for sure. It is reported that the Dragon Ball franchise will continue with Akira Toriyama's assistant

I thought so hehe. I had a feeling that they are not going to put a halt on a successful anime with the support of millions of international fans. I hope they don't delay the new arc because it's been a while since I saw dbs.

Yes, it is very profitable because it has become a culture in social society, but perhaps in terms of story it is no longer as exciting as Akira Toriyama's own writing.

Yeah they were totally milking the initial dragon Ball super arcs. It only became interesting after the Goku black arc.

Yeah, but in my opinion Dragon Ball is only good until the story of the small human demon Bhu dies, that's where the story should have ended.

Yeah that's actually true 😂.

Woow bro, what a great idea and great tribute to master Akira, congratulations you have been amazing😎✌🏽.

Thank you my bro😁Do you idolize Akira Toriyama too?

Of course my bro, among the several references I had as a child to get started in art and drawing the main one I would say was Dragon Ball, there was not a single one of my school notebook that did not have drawings of the characters in the final pages 😂🤣

Ha..ha..that's right, I even changed the pictures in the reading books from school to Dragon Ball characters. I'm happy that my childhood was the same as other children, filled with Dragon Ball and Doraemon too😁

Great art Bro... and yes.
Master Akira is a hero of my child hood and my Art world too.

Thank you bro, Yes, he is a manga artist who really inspired many children to love drawing