Ocean Healer in the cutest Chibi style...!- The cutest thing you'll see today 💙.

Hey, Hey, here's the @lacochinaensalsa!

I wanted to share with you what I finished creating today, it is a Fan Art inspired by the Ocean Healer. But ok, this is the cutest and sweetest version you'll see today!


I usually feel isolated when drawing, it's when I have real progress of what I do when I show it to my husband. And this time it was almost when I finished adding the details and creating the background of my character that I showed it to him. And he told me: "Before I thought that there were tools that made the digital drawings that I saw on social networks or similar. When I see everything you do, so much love and how great your drawings can be, I realize how I was wrong. People like you make well-made and well-cared for art..." - When I heard it, my little heart jumped for joy. I love to draw, sometimes ideas of things I want to do swim in my mind, waiting for a free moment to look at life.


The truth is I know that there are many things I need to learn and practice, but when I look back, I can say that I am on the right track. Things happen little by little, "miraculous" ways do not exist.


Addressing the drawing...It's the Ocean Healer in the Chibi version, the cutest possible. I chose a dress inspired by one of my favorite anime characters, Inuyasha. I loved the result, honestly when I started the drawing (3 days ago), I was quite doubtful of achieving it. Because a couple of months ago I was practicing Chibi characters and it made me crazy, I felt like they didn't look good. Even though my husband and close people said they were beautiful. I usually demand more and more from myself, but here I am happy with the result achieved.


Let's take a walk through the Creation Process of this cute Ocean Healer Fan Art:

I started by making a quick and loose sketch, to get an idea of where and how I will provide my character. That done, I added a new layer and moved on to a cleaner outline, for this stage I wanted to use a rough pencil to get some texture. I have a habit of adding or placing details that are not noticeable after removing the zoom, haha, I still haven't gotten over that. Something like this happened to me with this pencil, but my heart knows it's there 🤣



Having the outline ready and clean. I went to the painting station. For this I usually help myself with the paint can, but in this case due to the texture of the outline, it was not decently uniform. Therefore, I had to do it in some specific parts completely manually. Which I don't dislike, I like to paint little by little too. For the colors I have used my inspiration, the Healer of the Ocean, as a reference.



Once the color stage was finished, I continued with the details stage. For this I used an airbrush and playing with the opacity. I have used grayscale colors for the shadows and from the same palette but in more saturation. In some parts I have used the "blur" brush.



Having obtained the desired details, I started creating the background. For this I have previously given a light blue base and on a separate layer I have drawn lines simulating the lines of water. I duplicated the layer and then set it to Multiply mode, lastly I moved a little and drew the shadow of the character.


Here the final result:




For this occasion, it seems to be everything. If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time. Greetings, La Cochina en Salsa says goodbye.

Drawing Program: Medibang Paint.
Translation: Google Translator.
Texts, photographs, screenshots and editions of my authorship/original content.



Amazing chibi art style bro


Thanks, you're very kind. LOL, could be sister.! he he. I am a girl :)

P.S. I love Naruto....How did you know?


This is cute and bold indeed. Cheers.

Thank you so much!

Me gusto esta versión chibi, nada fácil de hacer pero pienso que capturaste toda su esencia, muy bien hecho.

Muchas gracias. Jeje, la verdad ya después del boceto, creo que fue más que entretenido :)

Jjjeeeee @lacochinaensalsa jjjjaaaaa que nombre tan peculiar, excelente, eres toda una artista, aprendiendo de ti, me parecen grandiosos tus diseños... Me enamoré.....

Jaja, solo los latinos desciframos el nombre. jaja. Varias veces me han dicho lo mismo, jaja, creo que soy medio Batman. jaja. es mi Alter ego.
Muchas gracias, me contenta que te han gustado mis dibujos. Los hago con mucho cariño y esmero


Jjjaaaaa me encanta ese nombre ....muy grasiento.. jajajaja eres de Venezuela me imagino, me animaste a participar en @holozing de hecho ya publiqué mi post, fuiste mi inspiración bueno para mi no para mi hija, yo no sé dibujar ni una o

Si, jeje exactamente. Soy de Venezuela. Y para ser sincera, no como carne de cochino. jajaja 🤣...ironías de la vida
Me contenta mucho haber sido foco de inspiración para tu hija, el dibujo es una actividad amada e ideal para todos. Y jeje, las O a veces me quedan chuecas 🤣, escribir no es algo que haga de manera tradicional, por eso me queda la letra fea
Bienvenidas, mis mejores deseos con ustedes 🌟


Bienvenida al club de los que escriben feo.deberia haber una comunidad aquí para los que tienen la letra fea jjjeeeee. Feliz noche

Jaja de esa comunidad no he visto, pero de seguro más adelante a alguién se le ocurre.🤣
Es una buena idea, jaja. Aunque a veces me sorprendo, no entiendo porque hago trazos más complicados y decentes para mis dibujos, pero para escribir no. Jaja. Me tiembla hasta la mano. jaja
Bueno Feliz día!