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RE: stats & some of our current work

It's strange that the Brazilians don't appear in this regional graph, there are a lot of BRs delegating and some in the pool. I myself make 2 or 3 visits a

Is there any roadmap or forecast for the launch of the "starter pack" and any approximate idea of values? I want to plan so that I can buy enough to have a lot of fun with the game. :)


Here's a longer list for all 3-4 days rather than the one just from today I posted.


No forecast for that yet, will depend a lot on the artist and some back-end programming for things like provably fair calculations. When we know more we'll post about it in time!

This looks great and it's nice to see that people from many countries are part visiting zing website.

Amazing! I'll be on the lookout for news!

Yeah!! 38 Greeks!
Did not know we were so many here!
Hey ya all, reveal yourself!!

Hmmm where's Singapore? :P

Probably further down is my guess. :p

Hehe! I see!

Allow me to improve India's position on the chart. Time to claim my $ZING again!

Cool chart, keep us updated!

we'll be introducing referral links for the starter sale soon too!