My Participation In The @holozing Contest (ING-ESP)

in Holozing Community5 months ago (edited)


The people at @holozing bring us a new contest and this time it's about creating the background for the four main creatures and of course I couldn't not participate. The first thing I did was to choose the background and this time my decision was based on the fact that it looks perfect with the water whale. From this background I started to create the details.

La gente de @holozing nos trae un nuevo concurso y esta vez se trata de crear el fondo para las cuatro criaturas principales y por supuesto que yo no podía dejar de participar. Lo primero que hice fue escoger el fondo y esta vez mi decisión de baso en que queda perfecto con la ballena de agua. Desde este fondo comencé a crearle los detalles.

I decided to use this background because the rabbit has electric power and that is why I wanted to imagine that he comes out of the clouds and lightning bolts come out all around him while he is appearing.

Este fondo lo decidí ya que el conejo tiene poder eléctrico y es por eso que quise imaginar que sale de las nubes y al rededor salen rayos mientras el va apareciendo.

The fire wolf is my favorite and I wanted to do something about him, his fire power makes him quite eye-catching and here I leave you with this background

El lobo de fuego es mi favorito y el le quise hacer algo referente, su poder del fuego lo hace ser bastante llamativo y por aca los dejo con este fondo.

The Grass Raccoon is one of the main creatures and its powers have value with grasses and that is why I wanted to give this background to the creature.

El Mapache de hierva es uno de las criaturas principales ademas sus poderes tienen valor con las hiervas y es por eso que quise darle este fondo a la criatura.

Here you have the link to participate in this one contest /Por aca te dejo el enlace para participar en este concurso

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These are the official accounts for any information or questions you may have:

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Herramientas de Edición y Producción
Editing and Production Tools
Traductor: DeepL
Dispositivos: Redmi8
Devices: Redmi 8


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•°”˜ .•°”˜

"La vida es cuesta arriba; sin embargo, la vista es maravillosa"
"Life is uphill, but the view is wonderful"
(Miley Cyrus)
 ¡Gracias por leerme, nos vemos en una próxima Publicación! 
 Thanks for reading, see you in a future post!  

@maykit55 (2).gif


A very nice participation friend, where each card that you recreated allows it to be very striking and thus to highlight the creatures. I liked the third one the wolf, which put it in the background to the same creature and the combination of coloring is wonderful, I would use it for many things hahaha. Excellent and success.