
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I feel I've made the right decision but I guess time will tell. It's all rather exciting really; wide open spaces and room to breathe a little. Let's see where it goes huh? I might become a hobo, or an executive again. Time will tell.

Long story short ... I soon found a new job where I :

  • went from managing 32 employees to 0
  • was given the freedom to "make my role" into exactly what I wanted/loved
  • managed to increase my salary by 5% (this was truly the icing on the cake).

It was a case of being in the right place, at the right time with the right skillset and having the freedom to make the right decision.

I've heard this many times. I guess one needs to out oneself into the position to be open to change and if enmeshed in a situation that forces one to be closed off opportunities. An be missed. I'm happy to get above the clouds and into the light.