Above the clouds

in Love The Clouds3 years ago (edited)

Change (2).png

“It is the obvious which is so difficult to see most of the time. People say 'It's as plain as the nose on your face.' But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone holds a mirror up to you?”

Isaac Asimov

It's been a strange day for me; the day after I resigned from my job; I've had to give four weeks of notice and knew it would seem weird being there now but I hadn't expected what has occurred today. I've left employers before and expected questions about where I'm going and why I've decided to resign but what surprised me was the outpouring of emotions from people, some of whom I've had little interaction on anything other than the usual casual office-interaction-level; certainly nothing personal or deeply emotional.

I've been careful to remain positive when fielding questions about why I have decided to leave the company as I don't want to be that guy who leaves looking disgruntled. With respect of the where am I going questions I've been honest - No idea. I don't have a job to go to so that's an easy one.

It's been a little more difficult having the conversations that people seem keen on having in respect of their own position in the company, dissatisfaction, state of wellbeing or other emotions and situations they have raised. Sure, I'm used to dealing with such things on a basic level with my team, I'm the leader after all, but it seems my leaving has opened the flood gates for others.

It made me think about workplace culture, the importance of maintaining a positive culture and the onus upon those at the top to create it. The most valuable asset in a business is the staff however there's many examples of staff being ill-treated and businesses suffering adversely for it. When will they learn?

The business aside though, it was also interesting to see how a key person in the office, myself, choosing to leave affected others and it reminded me of the Asimov quote above.

Someone said to me, I can't believe you're leaving, you're the anchor-point for so many of us and it's unbelievable that you're unhappy enough to leave. [They had made the assumption I was indeed unhappy.] My leaving was like holding a mirror up to people it seems that they could better see themselves, how they felt, were reacting to the every-day situations in the office and how those situations were affecting them. Not just one...I had five in my office today and tomorrow I have coffee meetings with two others. I was [almost] speechless at the number of them.

Above the clouds the sun always often shines

In my opinion many in my office simply go through the motions because they have to; they accept the situation as the situation and justify it by saying, at least I get paid. Sure, that works. I mean how many of us have our dream jobs? Some, but certainly not all, and getting paid can dilute a multitude of issues. For a while.

Are there other options though? Yeah of course there is. Many options, even if that option is simply to choose to feel differently. You know what I mean? Change one's paradigm to permit one to rise above some of those situations and seek a little light to make the work place-situation a little brighter. Getting above the clouds I often call it.

I said this to most today, and felt it was well-received although I have a suspicion there'll be more resignations. As it is in the week I finish up three others are also out the door; not long-termers like me, granted, but it says a lot I think. I'm all for it though because sometimes getting above the clouds means massive effort, change or action...And leaving a job with none to go to like I have. It's all good. [Damn I hate that saying.]

Just on another note altogether, and talking of massive action and effort...Today an individual admitted something very personal to me that was probably quite difficult for them to do.

It was incredibly brave, showed ownership, respect, caring and great strength of character. The person actually apologised to me which wasn't required of course, but they felt it was and so it was. I offered my understanding and some words that I hope demonstrated myself as a man of character and integrity, but it's not about me, I'm of no consequence. It's all about a courageous person who took action. A person who is as fallible as the rest of us and someone who I respect greatly; and will continue to do so. They may never see these words, but I wanted to say them all the same as that person deserves it, and much more. Enough said.

That's about it tonight although I'll say one thing more - Get yourself above the clouds, it's lighter up there...Unless it's night time.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

Image is mine


The most valuable asset in a business is the staff however there's many examples of staff being ill-treated and businesses suffering adversely for it. When will they learn?

Never, unless it affects them severely, their side of the story is always different.

Hmm, probably right in many cases. There's a few businesses, and leaders, out there doing things the right way. I include myself in that group; although I'm not perfect of course.

Thanks for your comment.

When it's time to go, we just can't get out the door fast enough. I have no doubt that there's something out there waiting for you, I'd be really surprised if you didn't have something well before you leave. It's funny how people wait until you leave or at least have your resignation in before Eastern spinning their own tale of Woe. I wonder how many of the ones that will be leaving would happen if I come forth if you have not already quit.

I think people sometimes see a key individual leaving as a sign that things are worse than they expect or feel and then sort of take that prompt to motivate their own leaving. I spoke to two today who will be exiting, both miserable. (not in my own team.) What I'm seeing is a whole lot of people that have been putting themselves in second place to others (employer). I do not agree with that ethos.

You make me remember the quote "Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure."
Just do what you love and love what you do because life is still beautiful! 🌷

This is good advice, thanks for taking the time to comment and leave it. 😊

You're welcome. I hope you are always going well ^^

Life is short, work is necessary, however happiness in treating each other with respect goes a long way. Gossip at a water bottle dispenser can turn ugly like wild fire.

When unhappy rather walk away, many are doing this right now even though they don't have employment to go to, realization has set in, you only live one life.

Saying goodbyes is never easy, the door keeps swinging enjoy the new venture!

I'll just follow the yellow brick road...Worked for Dorothy. 😊

Yellow brick road works well, dance on my friend, life is but a step away to joy and happiness.

Have been a little busy lately, with crypto projects, attending ETHcc in Paris, and later with a family vacation week. So I found about your resignment today when reading your post.

I've been a freelance for more than 25 years now but started my career working as an engineer. I only lasted 5 years and three different companies as I felt in a similar situation as you do three times and always resigned without having a new job.

I remember being 27, driving to work in the morning, and feeling I was just going to somewhere I was not feeling comfortable. Those 5 years thought me (although I was much younger than I am now) life is too short to spend 1/3 of your day in a place you do not feel comfortable. This is probably one of the reasons I feel so great in the crypto space. I feel the freedom of dealing with my time and personal finance freely.

All I can say is that I feel happy for you!

Clearly you understand my thought process. I'd like to be in a position in which I don't have to work but I'm not; I am in a position in which I can choose where I work and where I don't want to...And so I did.

Seems like you've been busy for sure. I hope you've been well.

Good luck friend, I cannot afford it, I would like to have a house with a garden and dedicate myself to flowers and animals in my photos and my things, but that cannot be, since it is not a matter of evalentia but of survival.
but I admire you
I will continue with my life disconnecting when the workday ends and dreaming in the clouds
happy thursday and good luck

We all do what we have to and I'll get back to work at some stage myself. But like you say, disconnecting at the end of the work day is important; work and life shouldn't blend into one in my opinion. Thanks for your comment.

I made the same decision back in 2003 (I left my "career job" for the unknown). I've never regretted it. Neither will you!!!!

Onward and upward!!!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I feel I've made the right decision but I guess time will tell. It's all rather exciting really; wide open spaces and room to breathe a little. Let's see where it goes huh? I might become a hobo, or an executive again. Time will tell.

Long story short ... I soon found a new job where I :

  • went from managing 32 employees to 0
  • was given the freedom to "make my role" into exactly what I wanted/loved
  • managed to increase my salary by 5% (this was truly the icing on the cake).

It was a case of being in the right place, at the right time with the right skillset and having the freedom to make the right decision.

I've heard this many times. I guess one needs to out oneself into the position to be open to change and if enmeshed in a situation that forces one to be closed off opportunities. An be missed. I'm happy to get above the clouds and into the light.

Wow, holy cow that's quite a change and statement to make, leaving without having another lined up. It seems to early for retirement, so I guess just a change you felt you needed to make. Funny how that happens sometimes, Kudos for following your instinct and not just pushing thru it and staying long enough to become miserable, depressed or other. Now the hard part. Be sure to take at least a few days or week to enjoy your time. Doesn't have to be right away, some folks like to blast resume's out there first, then take a break while they grow legs. Just be sure to set aside at least a couple days or seven to just disconnect, recharge, refresh and live in the now. Enjoying a few days in the field maybe sounds nice!

Maybe I missed some other posts, being busy with the move, but I didn't see this coming.. On our side, as of tomorrow, we're officially homeless, then movers here Sat, and hopefully closing on the new house Monday while driving, driving, driving.. then moving in Wed or Thurs. Will be checking in now and again, but likely not posting much until we've settled a bit.

Looking forward to some back country pics and posts!

Not been happy there for a while Kris, wrote about it loosely, nothing too clear. I just decided that this week was a good time to hand in my notice. I finish up on the 8th. I'll take a little time to breathe and then see where things go. Might go camping a bit. I've got skills so feel something will happen. Maybe I'll not work and get a degree instead? Who knows.

It's exciting times for you. I hope all goes smoothly and will look forward to seeing some posts when you're more settled. Don't be a stranger mate, I'd miss you.

Well congratulations, mate!

And I am not joking. Well done, indeed. Lots of people are taking the plunge.

It's a big step, a big call really, but I'm up for it, the challenge. Thanks mate,feeling good about it.

So are you going to take a few months break, re-evaluate, or you are just saying that you never work for anyone:)

I'll look around over the next few weeks until the 8th which is my last day. If something turns up I'll try for a week gap before I start the new thing. If not I'll keep looking and have a break for a bit. I think I'll get something suitable, even if it's a short-term thing initially which puts food on the table whilst waiting for something else.

I could start my own thing as I'm licensed to do so but it's not the way I'd prefer to go if I can avoid it. There's no pressure at the moment.

Yay! 🤗
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Grazie @claudio83 and Ecency.

i love your posts :)

Grazie mille Claudio.

I appreciate you saying so, and of course for reading in the first place.

WOW, I have done that once many years ago. I did not like where I was and where the change in management was moving. I did have somewhere to go, not a firm offer, but I new I needed to make the move.

When you know, you know, and I'm not one to stay in a bad situation or one that doesn't align with my personal ethos and values. I'll either be destitute or not. Probably not.