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RE: Expect Rain Or Not?

in Love The Clouds3 years ago

... it does look like the weather is approaching.

Yes. About three hours later, it rained heavily. I look at the picture again and I'm amazed. Who would have seen the pictures and believed it rained few hours later?

Thank you so much for kind comments and support. 🙂


I live on the Gulf Coast of Texas in the U.S. I know when bad weather is approaching by the clouds and shift in wind. The smell also gives it away. I've lived here all my life. We have hurricanes, tornadoes, flash floods. Our hurricane season starts in 2 weeks and lasts until November 30.

I hear hurricanes and tornadoes and I worry. You say 2 weeks and lasts till November?! I'd ask how you cope yearly but I know measures are in place to protect yourself, families and properties.

Yes, measures are in place. Just getting people to adhere to them to save lives is the issue. You would think that anyone who lives here would no better than to place themselves in dangerous situations, but it happens each year. It's so sad. And there's no reason for anyone not to be prepared.

I'm going to do a post on it next week.

I look forward to reading your post on it. 🙂