Love The Clouds:Sunrise At The Lake

in Love The Clouds11 months ago (edited)

Getting up early at the lake gives one the advantage of seeing a beautiful sunrise.

This morning the normal clear blue sky was peppered with lots of straggling clouds, now empty after the rain.

Hubby and I visited my sister and her husband at her cottage. Although there was plenty of rainfall over the last few days, this morning the sun is trying to peek out of the clouds.

The many clouds keep blocking the sun but he manages to leave a little reflection on the lake

Finally the sun broke through the thin white and gray clouds floating across the skies, leaving a bigger reflection on the water.

@lovetheclouds community is hosted by @tobetada.


What beautiful photos, how nice the sunset on the lake looks, I really liked it!

Double whammy! Clouds and reflections together in a picture. Great captures. Best of luck with this one. I might be able to join this week too. We'll see 🤞

Thanks @gems.and.cookies. It was a lovely morning. I was the first one up except for the birds. 😊
I’m looking forward to seeing your entry.

What a beautiful moring you just had my friend. It's lovely.

It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the lake! The sunrise must have been amazing, with the sun peeking through the clouds and casting a reflection on the water. I'm glad you were able to experience it with your family.

Thanks @malos10. It was a lovely visit. 😊

Brilliant shots, @redheadpei. It's as though you captured a piece of heaven.

Wonderful. Must have been fun.

Thanks A.G. @agmoore. It was a fun time at Skiff Lake. This is near the area in spent my childhood and high school. I still know many families in the region. I hadn’t seen my sister since Christmas as it is a 5-6 hr drive to her home in Nova Scotia or the cottage in New Brunswick. We are back in PEI now.

Looks like a warm day. We have had plenty rain but I won’t complain when I hear of all the fires going on worldwide.

Have a great weekend, my friend.


I love your reports about local sights and conditions. You describe everything so well. It is quite vivid and enjoyable.

Weather here is perfect :)

Sunrise at the lake is just like putting a torchlight on the water
It's so shiny
I love that!

It is magical, @rafzat. Have a great weekend! 😊

What a mesmerizing view! I was a big fan of sundown but now I'm a big fan of sunrise too. Wish I was a early bird haha!

Hi @artisto. As one gets older not so much sleep is needed at night. …your sleep pattern may change and you will see the sunrise. 🌞 😊 You will instead take catnaps without knowing it during the day, lol

Have a wonderful weekend, hope this is the spot you will enjoy with the sun arriving back once again.


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Summer is going too fast, Joan. I’m really enjoying the warm weather.

Thanks for lolz and luvshare. Enjoy the weekend. 😊

Our Summer is coming back too quickly, boohoo....

Have a wonderful weekend as well.

Thanks for your support. 😊

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Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!