in Blockchain Gaming2 years ago


Hi guys! how are they? here again your friend maurojd or blarks as they know me on discord servers! I bring you the 79 result of the draw and the beginning of a new one!

I will be Raffling 1000 STARBITS with completion DAILY!

THE WINNER (28 FEB) IS @apoloo1




  1. Comment if you want me to add you to the giveaway (if your hive username is different, please indicate it)
  2. If you want you can vote for me and follow me! It would be very helpful and I would be super grateful! (although not necessary)
  3. If the draw receives a lot of help I will start doing it DAILY(like this).


Hola chicos! como están? aqui nuevamente su amigo maurojd o blarks como me conocen en servidores de discord! les traigo el 79 resultado del sorteo y el comienzo de uno nuevo!

Estaré Sorteando 1000 STARBITS con tiempo de finalización DIARIA!


  1. Comentar si deseas que te agregue al sorteo (si tu nombre de usuario de hive es distinto por favor indícalo)
  2. Si deseas puedes votarme y seguirme! Seria de mucha Ayuda y estaría super agradecido! (aunque no es necesario)
  3. Si el sorteo recibe mucha ayuda comenzare a realizarlo de forma DIARIA ( Como este sorteo).

Participants in previous contests:

@marvinix @oxidil @jeisonamigo @whickey @saimaali @luizeba
@yeckingo1 @subwaysurfer @amaillo @supriya.gupta @pocop @nysster @jfang003 @kuronokenshi @khenshin @circlebubble @diochen @zeldapixel @titus-vivant @beluhan19 @vickoly @blind-spot @trentonlundy1 @filuris @thetyper @andy-plays @highhaschdi @adie44 @almightygrim @tin.aung.soe @diegoloco @guurry123 @rayius @pravesh0 @dubble @khenshin @thatcryptodave @rentaw03 @isag @lacandela @dangerbald @zakludick @tommyl33 @highhaschdi @myeong @zero-exp @stonks99 @imfarhad @cryptogillone @michupa @blitzzzz @marcinxyz @danshak @trentonlundy1 @smokrthou
@speedtuning @braachaan @matrixvzla @ronaldserre @rodrijn @hernleon74 @apoloo1 @phaeton @zakludick @juanpabloserrano @phaeton @chinob @beelmukjj @dyson-the-booper @yeanparra @mrnestea @lordanquek @stekene @betaplay @falcout @sp3ktraline @xheadhunterz @lovefallen @thaddeusprime @trashyomen @tengolotodo @tabs1250 @thurawinkyaw @akiraymd @gingerninja @szmobacsi @makhinoo @lipe100dedos @engilhramn @vaporent @harlowjourney @boeltermc @claulil

If you want me to remove you please comment.


Please count me in for the giveaway!


!gif thank you

Count me in for the giveaway!

IGN @luizeba

!Gif money


!PIZZA !LUV !hivebits

@maurojd(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.

Hivebits blends Hive's blockchain and Bitcoin's ethos. Your effort = your reward. Mine HBIT simply with ! hivebits (no space), 1-per-day. Success! You just mined .9 HBIT and the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. You can receive 100% of the HBIT by replying to one of your own posts or comments. Or, support Hivebits at official HBIT mine | your wallet | market | tools | connect | <><

Confirmation replies are currently on, but they'll go off when Resource Credits (RCs) get low. Your hivebits command will still go through and you'll get your HBIT.

@diegoloco(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.

Way to go, @apoloo1! Congrats. 👍

Please count me in again :D @dubble

count me in, thanks
username - imfarhad

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
maurojd tipped diegoloco (x1)
risingstargame tipped maurojd (x1)
maurojd tipped risingstargame (x1)
@maurojd(3/5) tipped @apoloo1 (x1)
diegoloco tipped maurojd (x2)

Please vote for pizza.witness!


please remove me - thank you!

EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY jejejjeje graciassss, bueno por aquí ando de nuevo, otro tag que te sugiero que pongas es musicforlife ( es el token vibes ) no esta el precio muy alto pero bueno, ademas tengo 1460 token y doy 1,5 vibes cada vez que voto asi que ya sabes. Y otra cosa que seguro que no sabes, si tienes los token hivelist y Hustler estancado, te dan el token Com y este si lo estancas también, te paga un montón de token diversos, así que ya sabes mas, y por cierto sigo jugando, un saludo

agregare el de musicforlife! el de hivelist siempre lo utilizo y tengo unos 400 creo stakeados, Hustler nunca lo escuche nombrar D: Saludos y mucha suerte apolo!