My Music Time (or) My Rising Star Game!(Day-146)

in Blockchain Gaming2 years ago

Hello to all members on Blockchain Gaming Community!

This is my music game post on this community.
I would like to share you about my music game.
This is my funny time on Rising Star Game.
I am interesting this game because this is a music game.I like music as singing,dancing and others.So I wanted to play Rising Star Game.

Yesterday,I played to continue on my game.
I played some missions and got a little more balances.

I opened my game account this morning.I am a level-58 player.
I am a little busy and I played only a few Mission today.

I made Music Lessons Mission because of controlling by increasing Ego percentages.
I need to do more Music Lessons because of controlling Ego % on my account.
MY Ego % is 9 at now.
I did drum Lesson today.

I made Open Mic Night, Mid Week Support Slot and Saturday Support Mission.
I made Radio Interview Mission and Shopping Mall Mission on Local Gig Circuit.

I had completed totally 1352 Missions.

My Rank is 2681 at now.

I think that I will be more easier to play on game.

I think I will get more rewards on future.
I am also playing on level-58 right now.

These are all my balances on level-58 just now.You can see my balances below.

Just Balance Record For Publishing Time!

(1)3476 fans
(2)259 luck
(3)4979 skill
(4)66 IM
(5)11299 STARBITS
(6)59 cards

I am very happy today because of playing on Rising Star Game.
This is My Music Time of Rising Star Game.
I love Rising Star Game!

My Music time is on Rising Star Game!
My Happy time is on Rising Star Game!
MY Resting time is on Rising Star Game!
My Precious time is on Rising Star Game!

It is a good and great game on Blockchain Gaming.
What are you waiting for!

Try and Join on Rising Star Game.
Thank you so much all.

See you next post with my great profit balance.


Thanks. I haven't played yet. But it looks fun. !hivebits !BEER

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Thank you so much. !PIZZA

Good luck ပါအမ


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