MACRO & CLOSE-UP MAGENTA DRAGONFLY - (Orthemis ferruginea)

in Visual Shots8 months ago


This lovely magenta dragonfly was perched on the dry branch of a bush in the small garden in front of my house. I spotted it while playing with my dogs and immediately went to my room determined to get my camera to do a "photo shoot"...

100 mm | 1/320s | f/9| ISO 640

100 mm | 1/1000s | f/9| ISO 640

This is a male individual of the species Orthemis ferruginea commonly called "Roseate skimmer" and is a relatively common species in ponds and stream banks throughout our country. What really surprised me was to observe it in my garden where there are no water reservoirs for breeding purposes or for hunting its prey thanks to its hunting skills and great vision.

100 mm | 1/1000s | f/9| ISO 640

100 mm | 1/400s | f/9| ISO 640

Well, I guess this dragonfly was there because of the increase in their populations, which is related to the unusual lengthening of our rainy season. I know this is a male because of its very nice magenta-purple colour, as female specimens of this species are brownish. I know this species thanks to my hobby of macro photography back in 2007-2010, when I used to take pictures of insects and then investigate their IDs with the support of specialised websites and/or sending them to entomological groups for identification... But all that stopped when I started shooting street photography! :))

100 mm | 1/1250s | f/7.1| ISO 500

100 mm | 1/1250s | f/7.1| ISO 500

For these pictures I used my old Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d macro lens. The light was very good and even, although without direct sunlight to generate annoying reflections and too much contrast. So I had it pretty easy with this insect, which additionally behaved very calm and allowed me to take very close pictures of it. Sometimes it got scared and flew away, but after a few seconds it came back to perch on the small branch of the bush... It was my "lucky day" for dragonfly macros! ;)

100 mm | 1/800s | f/9| ISO 640

100 mm | 1/2500s | f/7.1| ISO 400

I took all the pictures in semi-automatic aperture mode (P) constantly changing the ISO and aperture values depending on the brightness and shooting distance. I don't use flash for these photos, the light has been natural in all of them. The evaluation method was full frame with a tendency to underexpose between -0.3 and -0.7 EV (I like that to be able to calibrate later when editing the RAW) and I used the autofocus with a single central point.

100 mm | 1/1250s | f/9| ISO 640

ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL NOTE: Photographs captured with my Nikon D7000 DSLR camera in RAW format, then processed in Adobe Camera RAW for adjustments regarding light, sharpening, contrast and depth... The pictures are then exported to JPG format on which minor modifications such as straightening and adding watermarks were carried out using PhotoScape 3.6.3. and/or Photoshop

Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation!

"We make photographs to understand what our lives mean to ourselves." - Ralph Hattersley.


Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO

Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela.


It is very precise image you took with your camera.
Thank you

Thanks alot dear @oadissin friend!!!

The color of this dragonfly is very particular and at the same time attractive, of course the photos are crazy. Pure art @jlinaresp friend! Thanks for sharing 💫

!discovery 45

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BIG THANKS for this motivating comment @dimascastillo90 friend!!! ;)


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Hello Your macro photos are magnificent and surprising this red color for me it has a blue color and can vary in size

Thank you very much for your appreciation and motivating comment @cyboule frienbd!!!


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Wow pink dragon fly. I never seen it such close over here before. Nice shot too sir.

I'm not very sure, but it seems to me that only some species of this genus have this particular color and they are neo-tropicals!... Thank you very much for stopping by and appreciating @reidenling90 friend!!!

Sending hugs!


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Yeah sir seems like it too. As seen over here rarely seen red too. Most welcome my friend and thank you for the hugs too.

That is a lovely dragonfly. So happy that he comeback again, and gave you more time to photograph.
Love the color as well.

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It seems to me that she liked being photographed!... ha ha ha :))... Thank you very much for stopping by and appreciating @ekavieka friend!


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Amazing. 🙂 I never saw a dragonfly like this.

Thank you very much for stopping by and appreciating friend @borjan!!!... Yes, dragonflies of the Orthemis genus usually have this unusual coloration... Some are even "purple"... I hope I find one of those and can photograph it! ;)

Sending hugs and...


I have seen red dragonflies but never magenta. Beautiful pictures. Truly a lucky day! Thank you for broadening our knowledge.👏👍

Yes, it is really a very unusual color for a dragonfly and even for any insect... However, here this species is relatively common during much of the year... Thank you very much for stopping by and appreciating!... Happy day to you @eddyss friend!!! ;)


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Thanks to You My friend. Great job!👍
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Beautiful dragonfly, the details of the image are clearly visible, this is the reason why I really want a camera and don't always rely on a smartphone, amazing shot friend

Thank you very much for your appreciation and motivating comment @roronoa46 friend... Yes, certainly a camera with a macro lens generates better close-up details... Although now there are "macro lenses suitable for mobile phones" and damn, I have seen excellent photos taken with these devices.. My camera + my macro lens together weigh more than 1.5 Kgs!... Sometimes my neck feels like it's going to burst :))... I think one day I'll try to try a macro lens for mobile phones!... Do you take your photos with your cell phone camera without an additional lens?... Because they seem very good to me!


1.5 kg, that sounds very tiring, some time ago I borrowed my friend's camera to try it, unfortunately I really couldn't adjust it to take macro, It did take a process for me, but I was really interested in the details he got

I myself take pictures with a smartphone, and have an additional lens, now many sell them on the internet, but the details will not be like a camera

Thank you very much for your response, friend, I hope we can always share it here🍻

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