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RE: The night they heard the dead man cry. [Eng-Esp]

in Writing Club2 years ago

¡Muchas gracias! Me da mucho gusto que le haya gustado, a mi particularmente me encantan las historias de terror y de espantos, sobre todo cuando son leyendas populares, en México hay mil historias sobre "escuchar al muerto" y quise honrarlas creando esta historia, mientras la escribía mantuve en mi mente tantas experiencias que me han contado mis amigos y conocidos al respecto, ya que al parecer es algo muy común en los pueblos pequeños de la República Mexicana.


Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it, I particularly love horror and fright stories, especially when they are popular legends, in Mexico there are a thousand stories about "listening to the dead" and I wanted to honor them by creating this story, while I was writing it I kept in my mind so many experiences that my friends and acquaintances have told me about it, since apparently it is something very common in the small towns of the Mexican Republic.
