Trilogía: Juancho y Micaela (Parte 1) [ESP-ENG]



Parte 1: Alboroto en Pueblo Cristal

Era un día muy tranquilo en Pueblo Cristal. Los lugareños lo llamaban así porque poseía uno de los ríos de aguas cristalinas más hermosos de la región. Frente a la ventana de su casa bebiendo un delicioso café, Juancho observaba a lo lejos los sembradíos de su propiedad los cuales ya estaban listos para cosechar. Detrás de él Micaela, su amada esposa, trajinaba de aquí para allá preparando un nutritivo desayuno para su amado Juancho que pronto saldría a trabajar. Eran un matrimonio relativamente joven, no más de treinta y tantos años. Él era alto, fornido y con la piel curtida por el sol y el trabajo duro. Ella era delgada, alta también y con una muy linda cabellera color miel. Realmente formaban una hermosa pareja. En el pueblo los querían mucho. La faena comenzaba desde temprano por la mañana, al canto del gallo como dicen. Juancho y Micaela estaban acostumbrados a que era así.

It was a very quiet day in Pueblo Cristal. The locals called it that because it had one of the most beautiful crystal clear rivers in the region. In front of the window of his house sipping a delicious coffee, Juancho watched from afar the fields of his property which were ready to harvest. Behind him Micaela, his beloved wife, was walking back and forth preparing a nutritious breakfast for her beloved Juancho who would soon be leaving for work. They were a relatively young couple, no more than thirty-something years old. He was tall, stocky and with skin tanned by the sun and hard work. She was slim, tall too and with very nice honey-colored hair. They really made a beautiful couple. They were very much loved in the village. The work began early in the morning, at cockcrow as they say. Juancho and Micaela were used to it that way.


Desayunaron juntos y al terminar Juancho se calzó sus botas y su sombrero, le dió un cálido beso a Micaela y se marchó. Ella se recostó en el quicio de la puerta y desde allí lo miró encender su pequeña camioneta mientras pensaba lo afortunada que era al tener un esposo como él. Honrado, trabajador y muy amoroso. Además de generoso y amigo incondicional. Aunque llevaban casi diez años de casados se amaban como el primer día. Sumergida en sus pensamientos cerró la puerta y continuó con sus labores del hogar.
Juancho por su parte aprovechó de visitar a su amigo Eustaquio que se encontraba un poco quebrantado de salud. Estuvo un rato con él y al salir de su casa vió que había un alboroto en el pueblo. La gente gritaba: " fuera, fuera ".

They had breakfast together and when they finished Juancho put on his boots and hat, gave Micaela a warm kiss and left. She leaned against the doorjamb and from there watched him start his little truck while she thought how lucky she was to have a husband like him. Honest, hardworking and very loving. He was also a generous and unconditional friend. Although they had been married for almost ten years, they loved each other like the first day. Immersed in her thoughts, she closed the door and continued with her household chores.
Juancho took the opportunity to visit his friend Eustaquio, who was in poor health. He spent some time with him and when he left his house he saw that there was a commotion in the town. People were shouting: "Out, out".



Juancho sintió mucha curiosidad porque generalmente el pueblo era tranquilo y pacífico. Aún así decidió continuar su camino porque debía recoger la cosecha a tiempo y también debía pasar buscando a su
compañero Pancracio que lo estaba esperando. Trabajaron bastante y al mediodía hicieron un alto para almorzar y luego continuaron la faena. Al terminar emprendieron el camino de regreso. Juancho llevó a su compañero a casa y cuando regresaba a la suya vió que todavía había un grupo de personas reunidas en la plaza. Decidió no prestar atención y se fue. Al llegar a casa y mientras él y Micaela clasificaban la cosecha, Juancho le comentó lo que observó en el pueblo. Ambos se preguntaban qué sería lo que había ocurrido. Como Juancho iría al pueblo le dijo a Micaela que se informaría sobre lo sucedido. Al día siguiente Juancho fue a vender la cosecha. Esperaba obtener buenas ganancias y así poder comprarle un regalo a su amada Micaela. Pero ni siquiera imaginaba lo que estaba a punto de ocurrir.

Juancho was very curious because the town was generally quiet and peaceful. Even so, he decided to continue on his way because he had to gather the harvest on time and he also had to pass by looking for his companion Pancracio who was looking for him.
Pancracio who was waiting for him. They worked hard and at noon they stopped for lunch and then continued their work. When they finished, they set out on their way back. Juancho took his companion home and when he returned to his house he saw that there was still a group of people gathered in the square. He decided not to pay attention and left. When he got home and while he and Micaela were sorting the harvest, Juancho told her what he had observed in the village. They both wondered what had happened. Since Juancho would be going to town he told Micaela that he would find out what had happened. The next day Juancho went to sell the harvest. He hoped to make a good profit and thus be able to buy a gift for his beloved Micaela. But he did not even imagine what was about to happen.

