The Technologies of God- A Serial Micro-Fiction 5/24

in Writing Club3 years ago (edited)

“You’re familiar with altered states,” Tattiana says. It is not a question but a statement of fact. “Rather extensive experience,” she continues, “particularly in the years twenty-three through twenty-five in the period that is now called the Great Realization. Your experimentation with mind-altering molecules began to decline thereafter, and stopped altogether as you completed your studies in AI personality constructs.”


“It seems that you know me like the palm of your hand,” I say and look out the window at the distant blue dot that is Earth.

“Yes,” she replies, “I have access to a wealth of information about you. I will share it with you at the appropriate time.”

“You’re ever so kind.”

As the station spins in its orbit, the image of Earth disappears from view, replaced by the glittering radiance of the star-field in deep space.

“In the next series of exercises,” Tattiana says. “You will be given different types of neuro-chemicals to alter your consciousness. Some of the experiences they elicit will be familiar to you, but others will be completely alien. These experiences can be confusing at first, but the meditative techniques you have learned up to now will help you recognize the landscape and regain control. With a little practice, you will be able to navigate through these experiences with as much ease as you now navigate micro-gravity.”

Earth appears once again through the window. Blue and insignificant in the vast cosmos.

“What about death?” I ask Tattiana. “Isn’t death what this whole thing is about?”

She smiles before answering, and for the first time, I almost forget that she’s an android.

“Death can wait ‘till another day.”

Read other parts

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5