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RE: HBD Pay, app and marketing Proposal #302 [ENG-ESP]

in La Colmenalast month


You're right when you say that it seems like another UI that filters and sends transactions, because if we look at it objectively, that's what all interfaces do. I believe that the important thing is "how" they do it. That's why we see differences between what does and what does, even though they basically do the same thing. Or the difference between hivesigner and keychain. They do the same thing, but in different ways, and that's what makes people prefer one over the other.

My project is not going to be something "never seen before", it simply aims to do something that can convince businesses to use HBD, given its simple and effective way of functioning.

As the title of this proposal suggests, for me, the development part goes hand in hand with the included marketing campaign. I believe that this is its main value.