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RE: Splinterlands challenge - When is earthquake your advantage?

in Splinterlandslast year

Martyr at Earthquake, I have not thought of that! Great you shared it! I've been into Martyr in combination with Resurrect, yes. I learned that Resurrect is an ability only Legendary cards have. As you may know, is a great tool for that. There is not even a card for it in Fire and Life is most likely. Water and Earth are the ones that I already posses.

From this commentary and screenshot I just learn that there is one single Card with Resurrect even in Alpha/Beta. That's awesome to know for playing the non-modern Frays.

Just for the record, what is its market status: 973 Beta cards in circulation, 10 available, recently sold for $ 33, 4 week average $ 18.2, higest bid $ 7.25, so nothing for a whimsical trade. So with this knowledge prices will definitely increase. And this even makes me think about blogging on sparse cards I hold in my deck. !invest_vote


It's the same concept when using Martyr monsters with Noxius Fumes rule set. We need the Martyr monsters to be died first to strengthen the beside monsters.

I just decided to buy River Hellondale to complete this meta in Water Splinter. Hope it works well for me.

YES! That's certainly a good choice to see some neutral Venari Markstrat ressurect in Water!! It's so sweet how I research those cards through commenting for taking an opportunity soon when in game again. Markstrat and Hellondale take 10 Mana, so probably something for mid range flow of Mana at Earthquake. Unfortunately there is no flying tank in Water, so this will still take some creativity with neutral. !invest_vote

Here is a super nice 14 Mana Earthquake with double Martyr. Yes!! I just wished my opponent @HEARTSICKNESSES had some higher level cards for making it a tougher battle. We are talking upper Silver II league. !invest_vote

This is my battle with Martyr and Resurrect.
It worked quite well in this battle
Rebirth is the additional point to make my Djinn Oshannus stronger

Yes, I played a lot of Born Again recently. I like that new ruleset. Bummer that your opponent only had Level 1 cards, too. Looks like a bot that did not know where to put their own Martyr. Anyway, your strategy works well, that's all that counts. !invest_vote

@anjanida denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@anjanida thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Nice battle and it's exactly what we expect from Martyr and Earthquake.

Thank you, yes. Cheers! !invest_vote

I see you use the invest_vote recently,
I tried to research how it works but the contents seems in German and it's hard for me to understand and follow the rule.
Could you please briefly how it works and what is the return rate on this investment?

Hello @sodom-lv! Good you ask, because I tried to become part of it for a long time until I mentioned @cervisia at
From what I follow it is still in development and those who get on the list by getting it touch are able to invigorate it. German is definitely an advantage here, yet I guess it's not intended to be exclusive. !invest_vote

PS: Oh, the return is, that it encourages giving comments to others giving comments.

@anjanida denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@anjanida thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@anjanida denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@anjanida thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@anjanida denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@anjanida thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !