Which are the best cards to buy for POWER - 01/19

in Splinterlands2 years ago

This is a continuation on my series monitoring card prices.

Power is derived from the below table:

Pro tip: Promo cards can't be distinguished according to their border styles, but CP value is that of an Alpha card. Always double check a card before putting it on the market to see if it is not by chance a Promo card!

These prices are derived from lvl 1 cards, you might get better prices if you search for higher level cards!

Lowest Regular Foil card prices in the category:
PriceAlpha/PromoBeta/1st RewardDice/Untamed/2nd RewardChaos/3rd Reward

And here is the overview of Power/Price, which means how much power you get for a dollar (the higher the number the better).

Regular Foil price/power:
Power/PriceAlpha/PromoBeta/1st RewardDice/Untamed/2nd RewardChaos/3rd Reward
Legendary27.27 Power/$35 Power/$40 Power/$122 Power/$
Epic31.28 Power/$37 Power/$53 Power/$133 Power/$
Rare27.09 Power/$50 Power/$54 Power/$143 Power/$
Common24 Power/$38 Power/$71 Power/$167 Power/$

Lowest Gold Foil card in category:
PriceAlpha/PromoBeta/1st RewardDice/Untamed/2nd RewardChaos/3rd Reward

Gold Foil price/power:
Power/PriceAlpha/PromoBeta/1st RewardDice/Untamed/2nd RewardChaos/3rd Reward
Legendary18.75 Power/$38 Power/$51 Power/$101 Power/$
Epic33.37 Power/$81 Power/$85 Power/$114 Power/$
Rare57.14 Power/$51 Power/$107 Power/$127 Power/$
Common28.85 Power/$50 Power/$111 Power/$119 Power/$

So what cards are the best buys now. We have a restructuration of the market, let's look into it:
1st place goes to Regular foil Common Chaos/3rd Reward cards
2nd place goes to Regular foil Rare Chaos/3rd Reward cards
3rd place goes to Regular foil Epic Chaos/3rd Reward cards

The impact of the Chaos Legion cards on the Power/Price ration:

DateBest power/$ ratio
9/2486.4 Power/$
9/2980 Power/$
10/758.8 Power/$
11/0831.7 Power/$
12/3090.9 Power/$
01/04125.0 Power/$
01/10128.2 Power/$
01/19167.0 Power/$


The Chaos legion sale brought the expected falling of the prices. A few of the cards were reportedly sold already under burn value. The cheapest cards on the market for power dropped by a whopping 30%, while the DEC value stayed the same. I did not expect this, but most probably a lot of market actors used their DEC or bought more to buy the cheap cards on the market.

A price hike was visible on the other hand on Untamed/Dice/2nd Reward cards. I believe this is because there is a limited amount of these cards and can still be used in wild as well as modern formats. We could see a price hike for Qid Yuff, when the 6th Airdrop card Grum Flameblade was introduced, as his Bloodlust ability would be great to kill off enemies with shield, which will improve all his stats.

What would I expect:

The future of the Chaos cards is to get even cheaper. According to the Splintercards site only a bit above 2.300.000 packs were opened :


This foreshadows that in the future a lot of cards will hit the marketplace and the prices should continue to fall.

There are currently a lot of places on the market to speculate with prices on cards/packs, as they jump 10-20% up or down on a daily basis.
The wild fluctuation of the HIVE token makes the calculations even more complicated for the packs, though DEC is quite stable at the moment.
I hope all of you will make the right decisions and will achieve some of your goals. I hope at the end of this I will have a fun pack of cards to play with :)

Happy Buying

PS: Feel free to upvote/comment/follow/Pizza/Beer/WINE/LUV and so on. I will be happy if I see, that my posts are valuable :)


Nice post 👍

I once started making a tool to see what the best power/$ cards on the market where.

Turns out the entire BCX system is a bit... more complicated than it should be.
Sadly enough I ended up not finishing it.

I check the cheapest prices manually and have an excel table, which does the counting and formatting. I'm unfortunately not that tech savy.
But if you want to see the best price for power, then use Peakmonsters. They have a filter for that on their site.

Ah I didn't know that, that's good to know!

The whales will make controlled sales so as not to disrupt the prices, there will definitely be a drop in card prices as packs are opened but I don't think it will be any worse than when Untamed was released. We have many times the players we had then. I heard there are somewhere in the range of 1.5 million active Splinterlands accounts. So that would mean each account in theory gets 10 packs of cards to sell out all the packs. We know that's not likely to happen with all the packs that went to the whales. So 15 million amounts to 50 new cards per player. That's really not a huge amount of cards vs the number of players and the growth is continuing at amazing rates though it has slowed some recently. With Splinterlands entering into a new ad campaign growth will shoot up again. I think card values for both sales and rentals will have a bright future soon after the last Chaos Legion pack sells. In the short term scoop up the bargains while the prices are low, I know I am.

Unfortunately I was not around when Untamed was released so I can't compare.
According to https://dappradar.com/hive/games/splinterlands there are around 300K active daily users. This would scale up a bit, but I think we won't surpass 500K by much. So that is 30-50 packs/user around $90-$150 per user, but we have a lot of players who came here for a play2earn experience + bots, so I don't think that the packs would be sold out within the next months.
I'll be honest, I have also bought only 20 packs on Monday and feel a bit stretched out because of it. Still might buy a few more packs, if I earn some hive from blogs and on the market in the coming weeks.
I expect 2 big card opening frenzies after these 3 airdrops are revealed, and when all airdrops are revealed. These openings will bring down card prices again.
In the long run I hope that new users will find a liking in the game and stay with us. But due to the amount of cards, I believe that after the in-game packs are sold it will take a few months before enough new players accumulate, who will push up the demand for the prices again... unless a FOMO frenzy kicks in :)

That 300k is a 24hr snapshot. The 30-day snapshot show 600k unique wallet addresses. Not everyone plays of visits the site every day. Not the million user number I saw but then I wonder what the 60-day looks like, there are some that just invest and rent and don't really look at it that often, they just HODL long term. Prices will drop no doubt until . . . until they don't! Players, playability, and demand will determine which cards and when their value climbs, but if I have learned one thing about card collectibles (and nft's will be no different) the good ones always go up in price, sooner or later.

A superb analysis of current card power.You have been manually curated by L1L Dawgs Gaming


Thank you