First game with Uriel the Purifier went really well.

in Splinterlands2 years ago


Hi everyone!

I've only got 2 maxed out Legendary summoners, the Scarred Llama Mage and Chanseus the Great.


Considering I spend all my time in the Diamond leagues these days, it means that for the high mana battles I really only have these two options.

My daily quest at the moment is for the Life Splinter:

So when I came across this battle, it seemed like a great time to test out the newest member of the team Uriel the Purifier:


Uriel the Purifier is a super high-mana card, so I can see that I'm really only going to play him in the super high mana battles, because, while amazing, he does have some weaknesses that need to be managed.

He is definitely a tank, and can take a lot of damage, but he doesn't have Shield or Void so he takes full damage every time he's hit.

This was actually my first time playing with a Recharge card and while amazing, it means he's sitting pretty vulnerable every second turn... and without Piercing if the enemy has even a single armour point then these huge attacks won't take down your opponents health.

This was my first battle with him leading my team... and I was immediately worried:

I rarely win against Archmage Arius because he's an incredible summoner that costs... um, let's see... $30,000!


Out of the hundreds of games I've played, I'm not sure that I've ever beaten a team with Archmage Arius, he just buffs his team up so much!

Here is the battle for anyone that would like to see : Splinterlands Battle.

Uriel was immediately stunned which was fine because he was recharging anyway...

He really didn't do much at all until Round 4 when he took out the Lord of Darkness which was immensely satisfying!

The other team continued to beat him up... they would have killed him really quickly if they had more magic... but his second big hit was unbelievable:


Having the Repair ability on the Lone Boatman was absolutely essential in keeping Uriel in the game. It's funny, I almost always put the Lone Boatman as my last card so he can keep repairing all game... but with the huge rise in people using a thousand Sneak cards I put the Silversheild Sheriff last.

This turned out to be an accidentally great move.

Firstly the Lone Boatman and the Silvershield Sheriff took out the Magi Sphinx in Round 1 who was rocking a 5 Magic attack and could have possibly killed off Uriel before he attacked but mostly it was because the Silvershield Sheriff died 3 times during the battle (Curse you Sand Worm!) but each time he was resurrected he gave everyone 2 fresh new armour points.

Uriel was eventually killed off... but his Redemption attribute then took out the card that had killed him (Curse you Sand Worm!) so that was a great little farewell gift.


Archmage Arius was left with the Dragon Jumper against 3 of my cards and the Defender of Truth had no problems taking him out while he was butting heads against the Angel of Light.

Big match! Great first showing by Uriel the Purifier!
This was a No Healing ruleset game... so I'd be keen to see him in action with his full suite of attributes, but I can tell you now, he definitely needs a Repair card and a Cleanse card to back him up... and maybe even a sneaky Resurrect card to really hurt the other team with Redemption.

Thanks for reading! Do you have a Uriel the Purifier battle you can share with me? I'd love to see some other set ups.



I love sandworm XD

Not that I'm ever going to get up that high, I'm way too lazy with playing x_x

Glad you got some good use out of that gigantic card.

Thank you!

I actually truly love the Sand Worm too!

I've noticed more and more people putting a big tank at the front and then sending a billion sneak attacks from the back... so it's nice to potentially have a card to break through the tanks. Unless, of course, that tank has a single point of armour, and then, yeah nah.

I have done that before, it's reasonably effective XD

If you have a big enough mana cap there is a blue card that is a ranged attacker with taunt and a shield which is also fun to put up the back somewhere.

This card?


Oh wait... did you mean this card?


I've actually got The Kraken maxed out but I hardly ever play him and keep forgetting about him. I've only got the +1 Magic Summoner so when I play blue cards I just put in all my magic ones and don't think much beyond that... maybe I should be, ah, a little more strategic in this strategy game.

Oh weird that the Kraken didn't have a shield in that picture, he totally does even at level 1.


Wave Brood was the one I was talking about but I either got them mixed up or just confused myself because the first (and I think so far only) time I ever played mine I also used a thing that gave everything shield ^_^;

Oh cool! I have literally never seen Wave Brood before ever.... but it looks so different to everything else... I hope to try it out one day!