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RE: 7 Ways To Earn Crypto in Splinterlands!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

It's honestly wild to me that I pretty much have the value of a car tied up in digital collectible cards... never in my wildest dreams would I have predicted that for myself... so I can't imagine what it must be like for you... working an hourly job but having a top end annual salary worth of collectibles. It's amazing!

Personally, even if the card values go to zero tomorrow, I'll still enjoy playing the game... even if it was just me and bots.


I hate the bots, LOL!! Yes, it's funny when some players have called me a whale- I'm like...nooooo I don't think so as whales are rich! I think it is pretty amazing though that an average person can make something out of a game like this. I plan on cashing out some cards next year, maybe like 10 or 15% or so to help buy a house next year! Other than that it is HODL time! :-)