# My biggest season yet... - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 63 Report Card

in Splinterlands2 months ago (edited)


This Ash Mirage by @victoradebiyiart is pretty cool, I definitely love the huge size of the fiery beast...

Hi everyone!

So I honestly don't know what happened, but I got way more Glint than ever before. Like way more.
I only had slightly more ranked play wins than last season (204 vs 197) but won 140K more Glint. I don't know if the Glint-giving algorithm changed, or I progressed quicker than usual (I didn't get any higher than usual, but probably did spend more days in Champs III/Diamond I than usual.

I'm pretty stoked. I'm curious to see if I can replicate it or if it was just a once off.

In other news I managed to only just scrape in with a title from the Legends event...

I wanted a title for my last Land plot, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the cards that I bought because none of them are maxed. I have found myself using Riklauniman and Nephket occasionally even though I only have them at Levels 1 and 2 (out of 4) but I also might see if I can sell them to try and max something else.

It looks like Heloise the Hollow is still going for around 750-790K DEC - with whales (who already have multiple copies) still bidding. I honestly didn't expect that, but I guess if you've got the funds, the best way to keep the resale price high is to control the supply of the card.

I've only see Heloise in the wild once so far, and I got absolutely smashed. It was brutal to witness.

Speaking of supply, DEC is still going bonkers:


I understand that bot farm accounts have been burning Chaos Legion reward cards to increase the DEC supply, but I still don't understand the mechanism or purpose of burning DEC. I'm not even sure how to burn DEC... do you have to send it to a null account or something?

Match Report


RankChampion #805Diamond #592
Rating3700 - Champion III3120 - Diamond II
Rating High37603120
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.97 (172/178)1.60 (32/20)
Longest Streak66

While I got so much more Glint than ever before... my actual performance wasn't any different from previous seasons. I once again, only just scraped into Champs III at the end of the season (I was bouncing in and out of it for days) and in Diamond I only really played enough games to get into Diamond II and then focused entirely on Wild for that precious, precious Glint.

I am definitely finding I have a lot more success in Wild in the morning and more success in Modern in the afternoons. I don't know if that's totally a placebo or I'm imagining it, or if it's real... but I just cannot seem to win in the Wild league in the afternoons.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
204✨ 386158 Glint + ⭐1439.525 SPS
Season Rewards Claimed✨ 244897 Glint
Glint Spent✨ (475000) Glint

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

Alright... look at this...

Since the Rebellion Reward cards dropped, my Glint Goal for every season has been 537,500... and for the last 4 or 5 seasons I've fallen way short and had to burn CL reward cards to make up the difference... and then this season I blew past that goal by 250K?!?! Bonkers!

This is where I'm up to with my Rebellion Reward cards:


I'm going to do my usual and purchase one batch of Legendries and one batch of Epics.

While I could probably afford a second batch of Epics, I think it's too expensive for me to do 2nd batches, so I'll either save the remainder or buy Batch 1 chests.

These are my legendries before the draw:

Obviously I'd love to max out the cards that I'm really close to maxing... but I think there's a pretty good chance I'll get more of the cards I've already maxed, haha.

10 Legendary Draws for 350,000 Glint with 10 Alchemy potions:

Alright! Not bad!
I can now max out Grifzi... I'm closer with the others and now have 2 too many Endless Gibbon cards. It really is endless.

Here are my Epics:

Level 5 is 32 BCX so I'm really close on 3 of these...

25 Epic Draws for 187,500 Glint with 25 Alchemy potions:

Awesome! This will get me to Level 5 (of 6 total levels) with Night Reaper, Arachne Weaver, Kha'zi Conjurer and Thanalorian Blade (which I wasn't expecting). Basically this was as good as it could be! Thanks RNG!!!

Shock Trooper is now my only card remaining at Level 4. Olivia of the Brook and Halfling Refugee are both only 5 cards from getting to max.

I have 268,790 Glint left. I would rather spend it on Loot Chests over Common and Rare draws - because I think lots of energy is going to be the only thing that keeps me at higher leagues.

If I'm going to buy loot chests, I'd rather do it periodically throughout a season instead of all at once to prevent getting more energy than I can play with.

So, I'm going to leave my remaining Glint for now to see if this was a once off, and if not, I'll start to buy loot chests throughout the following seasons.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(885.552)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Continuing my slow decline in rentals revenue...

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards3717.802
Ranked Rewards as above1439.525
Brawl Rewards702.419
Land Rewards1084.212
Liquidity Rewards6985.120
License Stake Rewards1346.237
NET SPS15275.315

With the current price of SPS, I made about $109 USD worth playing a game this fortnight. Not too shabby.


I think if you were considering getting Heloise, now is the time to think about pulling the trigger... in a couple of weeks I think the price will go up as the scarcity mindset starts to creep in.

I hope you also made a ton of Glint this past season! Thanks for reading!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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I got way more glint too this season, I was thinking the season may have been longer but beelzael seems to be on the money, I seem to remember some notification about Splinterlands winning something.
I got 10 more epics which should help lift my win/loss closer to one to one.
Uploading Screenshot 2025-01-17 061841.png #79

10 more epics!!?! That's awesome! I'm sure that'll make a difference.

In that case I'm so glad I saved the extra Glint rather than spending it... it'll help my reach my Seasonal Glint Goal for the next couple of seasons and I won't have to burn so many CL rewards cards.

I struggle to get through the 20 free battles each day, and with my cards I don't think I could get much higher anyway. If I get too board I might see if scape enough together to get the next level summoner's but it just feels so expensive.

Me too. I have to break it into 2 separate play sessions or else they feel too hard to get through.

Everyone got 1,5x Glint last season because Splinterlands won second place in some "Best X" tournament :-)

Oh thanks @beelzael - I had no idea! That's awesome!

1400+ SPS for a season is a nice amount.

Congrats on being in Champion & Diamond.

Thanks! I'm trying to be super consistent in playing all my battles each day and never wasting energy in the season.