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RE: Caught

in Splinterlands9 months ago

I'm gonna go down a different angle here and ask... When was the last time you got a blood test done?

I'm asking because I recently had a health scare which prompted me to take a blood test and we found that I was anaemic - which explains my low energy/motivation, tiredness and mild depression.

Maybe youre not broken but you may have some chemical imbalance going on?

I suggest holding off selling. I keep thinking of o07 and wish he didnt sell up when he did. If you have a spare, low key account, thats not in a guild, would you like to jump in with the Drop Bears and play with us? We've all been keeping each other in the game for a few years now. I personally would have left everything in auto if I didnt have my guildies.

Offer is there and we have a spot for you if you want to jump in. But defo go get a blood test done if you havent done one recently.



February. It was all healthy then. Doctor was very pleased.

I've already sold about half at this point. Holding the SPS. That will be my hedge. Not in a hurry to sell the rest. It'll go slowly. :)

September now - maybe time for another one? I didnt feel my spiral til a few months ago.

As long as youve kept your SPS. Maybe chuck it in an LP :D Ive got most of mine in LP.

BTW just because you sell up doesnt mean youre not part of the community.

Feel better soon man. I know the struggle is real <3

Its all staked. :) I want to make sure the DAO makes better choices. If they don't, as I said in my other post, I'll sell if I lose complete faith. :)